Vol- clown like posts usually get that type of response regardless. i mean posting links from conspiracy theory blogs carried a little weight in 2002 when blogs were novel and we thought most people on the inter-webs were truth seeking scholars who just needed a forum to connect. The Economist is credible in this one post, the poster and the several hundred other threads repeating the same drivel from blogs are not. In this case a credible article doesn't exactly connect to the point they wish they could make.
I only come to this site for good recruiting and program news- then i check in on the clowns on west mall who like to argue and post links to blogs, and then answer their own posts repeatedly; sleeping well at night believing they changed someone else's mind or made a point.
A lot of great posters, you know, the intelligent ones who would actually listen and discuss something, then perhaps link to credible sites while still being a gentleman- they've left the board. YoLaDu comes to mind, as were several others.
How do you discuss something with someone who mixes environmentalism, with science, with engineering and with politics? You don't- you save your breath and walk away and instead read about Texas football. Or if I want to learn about real life- I read my industry journals that discuss what projects/companies are doing in business, not fantasy armchair quarterback/POTUS land here.
This board is a sh#t pool of fringe arguing against themselves. The post counts are way down- and the level of conversation died several years ago. Sorry- but dumb posts deserve dumb responses. Back to the Recruiting and On the Field for me.. have fun kiddos.