ESPiN - just had to do it...

At least we may now know why Mort hates VY so much - Mort's kid is a senior, 3rd string at Arky. Maybe Mort has been drinking too much of that Fayetteville water, and has picked up that "hate everything about Texas" mantra.

At least in his comments today about VY he didn't repeat his usual rants about how he will never been any good in the NFL, etc. Maybe the score had him off of his game?

I think it also has to do with the media being more focused on tearing down people who are not their self appointed heroes. VY has already been torn down the past few weeks, so less impetus for them to keep piling it on unless of course you are Hoge the Stooge.

One potential positive is that if VY comes out of this low point as I expect he will, he will make an even better story with his "rebirth".