Electoral College Changes

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the "Republic" for which it stands...

Deez, I agree with a lot of your points. Was there gerrymandering in the last redistricting? I don't think we'll totally agree, but I would like the current system to be revisited as far as presidential elections. The nation is much different than it was when the rules for electing president were put into effect. Thanks for all the input. It's enlightening, and iron sharpens iron.
Gerrymandering is a huge problem now. This Republican plan would make the problem much, much worse.
Are we going to a system where nobody's vote counts anymore?
That is the result in heavily gerrymandered districts. They are one party systems where the candidate of the chosen party will win.
This is an attempt to steal elections, which is what any gerrymandering plan is.
I swear the people that think the response to we live in a democracy is that we don't we live in a Republic have got to be some of the dumbest human beings ever.

How do we select the representatives in this Republic?

The Republicans are proposing changing the manner in which the President is elected. They are proposing switching the allocation of electoral college delegates in several very specific states. These states are not being selected at random. They are not pushing to do it nationwide.

Is this going to occur in Texas? Is it even on the table? Of course it isn't. Texas is winner take all and the Republicans will not give one electoral vote to a Democrat. They want to change certain states in order to win and thwart the will of the majority of the people.

This is a remarkably undemocratic and an utterly disgusting proposal. I am shocked that anyone who considers themselves an American could support this. It is similar (although far worse) to the attempt to suppress minority, poor, and youth voters in 2012 (which backfired badly).

Romney would have been elected President had this system been in place.

It highlights two things that are wrong with our present system. The first problem is gerrymandering. Gerrymandering needs to be gone. Congressional districts need to be drawn by a computer program on a statewide basis with a "bias" towards the smallest size of individual districts. This is simple and the currently programs exist. While this would perhaps result in some odd districts, they would be far fairer than the present system. The present system skewed the national votes about 10-15% toward Republicans.

The other problem is the Electoral College itself. We should directly elect the President. The Electoral College is a vestige of a pastoral country. We amended the Constitution to directly elect Senators and we should do the same for the President. While I think we should do this, I have not cared all that much. If this new proposal passes in a few states, I will very much favor just getting rid of the archaic Electoral College. It really serves no current purpose.
The current purpose of the Electoral College?

I guess aligning districts to insure your party stays in power has only been around since what 2000?

Things like this never went on during the Democrats almost 50 year reign on the House?

No, never happened with LBJ, Sam and ole John in charge of the Democratic party for what almost 50 years?
Actually, attempting to gerrymander and alter the manner in which electors are selected for the electoral college in only a few very specific states is a pernicious new twist.

It is no doubt motivated by how far gerrymandering managed to thwart the will of the majority of the voters. The states are not being randomly selected. The states are being specifically selected in an attempt to reach an outcome.

Is this is how democracy (representative or otherwise) is supposed to work?

I also am reminded that two wrongs do no make a right, but this is probably a bit too "deep" for the "thinkers" around these parts.
"I guess aligning districts to insure your party stays in power has only been around since what 2000? Things like this never went on during the Democrats almost 50 year reign on the House? No, never happened with LBJ, Sam and ole John in charge of the Democratic party for what almost 50 years?"

Which is EXACTLY why no one should be in favor of a "congressional districts take all" format for the electoral college.
I actually added the concept of one man, one vote to the discussion. I find it interesting when anyone disagrees with this concept. The reality is that this is exactly what we do have in the elections for senator. It is also the usual result for President. It tells me something about the Republican party and its supporters that they want to manipulate the system to try to dilute the votes or even worse alter the will of the majority of Americans.

I cannot believe anyone thinks that Romney should have been elected President despite getting 2 million fewer votes. Is winning really all that matters?
If you have to resort to changing the rules to win, perhaps you should step back and review your ideas as a party. Gerrymandering has no place in Presidential elections. It's ludicrous to think otherwise.

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