El arroyo in Round Rock

It's been a few years since I've been, but it was bad enough to say never again. It amazes me that good restaurants come and go, but this one is still there. I guess the other locations carry it. Are they as bad?
It's sucked for a long time.

Never understood how it could be so much worse than the other El Arroyos...

I'm almost morbidly curious to find out how bad the RR El Arroyo is that it makes the others look decent in comparison.

But I try not to spend money in Round Rock, so....
Yeah, everything about it sucks. Food, service, facilities. The other el arroyo's aren't great, but so much better than this one. That being said, the restroom in the far west location stinks.
The one in RR is a franchise, and a buddy of mine owns it, so I will forward this thread to him so he can read y'all's (constructive) criticism! I'm surprised by this thread, I must say, because I have always heard that the RR restaurant was a lot better than either 5th Street or Far West.

All that being said, anyone going to any of the El Arroyos that is expecting some kind of culinary experience will be sorely disappointed!

Oh, and as far as the bathroom at the FW location is concerned, it does smell awful 100% of the time! And I can vouch for them that it's not because they don't clean it, because they do, but I think there's some kind of problem with the pipes or something that can't be fixed, because it's always there.
Thought about going to the RR El Arroyo a couple times, but now I'm glad I didn't. As for the FW and 5th St locations, don't know that they're the greatest TexMex food on Earth, but after about 5-6 of the $1 ritas, who cares? Man I miss Thursday afternoons in the college days.
I'll be in the minority, I don't care. The diet tacos, or whatever they're called, at the RR EA are quite tasty, and somewhat good for you. we do lunch there quite a bit because it's somewhat close to that major computer company, but not overrun by their employees (I interact with said company a bit, so a working lunch without prying ears is tough). I give it a thumbs up.
I've never been, but yesterday a friend of mine said she'd had dinner there the night before and that it sucked hardcore. I'm meeting up with her again in a couple of hours.... will ask her for specifics about what she thought sucked so that maybe you can pass something useful along to your friend. Her general statement was regarding the food.
Funny that you say that about the rice, b/c I've always thought that the rice at the Far West EA was strange, too. It always seems kinda dry (steam table) but doesn't really have much taste to it at all, just bland. I always soak it in salsa or tabasco to give it some flavor.