Eighties sports bar- MSG?


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On one of our semi-annual visits to Texas, I think in the early 80's, my sister dropped me off at a downtown (6th Street?) sports bar so I could watch a World Series game while she was off doing god only knows what. She raved about this place, it was really neat, etc., but nothing about why.

I think it was called Madison Square Garden.

I went in and sat down in one of their swanky overstuffed chairs and watched the start of the game and drank imported bottled beer (they said it was all they served-and that fit my sis). Not bad at all, but not really baseball. After awhile, I noticed that there was some foot traffic behind me going up and down the stairs.

Between innings, I decided to go up the stairs. There was a long bar on the left, like a Western saloon and a few tables down the right side. Longhorn pics and memorabilia if I remember right. There were more TV's and they had domestic beers and some draft. There may have been a grill. I had another beer and watched a couple more innings at the bar. This was more like it. Cardinals were playing somebody, can't remember which team.

Then I noticed (perceptive devil that I am) that there was more traffic at the far end of the bar. At first I thought this was simply due to people recycling their beer, but the traffic pattern wasn't consistent with that.

I strolled (probably staggered a bit) down that way and found more stairs, up which I went. Lo and behold, I was in a miniature stadium. A few rows of seats, each row higher than the one in front. An enormous front-projection screen to watch. I ordered a dog and a beer. My sis came along in the top of the 8th and I bought her a beer; she'd been right about the place.

Does anyone remember the place? It was my ideal of a sports bar (not that there were many up here to compare).
Excuse me while I tear-up. Back in the day that was THE place to watch sports. I'm not sure how it would compare to places now days -- they'd have to upgrade their TVs for sure.
I also remember MSG Sports Bar in the PleasantValley/Riverside area before it was a war zone. It was across the street from The Pleasant Valley Softball Complex. Great place to drink and watch sports after playing a game.