Dumb Political Correctness

I was roped into seeing it. Would not go again. The innuendos and overt sexuality etc just didn't do it for me. Plus, the race bending.

It also was celebrated after the calculated Pence lecturing that every Hamilton producer and cast member were all complicit with, otherwise they would have cut that guy off. They all hare Pence, so to sit there and lecture him and dictate how he and Trump should "treat" their "community".
I was roped into seeing it. Would not go again. The innuendos and overt sexuality etc just didn't do it for me. Plus, the race bending.

It also was celebrated after the calculated Pence lecturing that every Hamilton producer and cast member were all complicit with, otherwise they would have cut that guy off. They all hare Pence, so to sit there and lecture him and dictate how he and Trump should "treat" their "community".

The politics surrounding it were no doubt inane.
Irony is a *itch
BREAKING: UBC cancels Andy Ngo talk on antifa violence due to violent threats from antifa - The Post Millennial
The Post Millennial editor-at-large Andy Ngo had his speaking event cancelled at UBC( University of British Columbia) after safety concerns due to potential violent protests from antifa groups. Ngo’s scheduled presentation, ironically titled “Understanding Antifa Violence,” was scheduled to take place on January 29 at UBC’s Robson Square in downtown Vancouver.
Andy Ngo really needs to get a CHL and carry. Then make sure anyone on his staff if he has one does the same. Then he won't have to cancel his talks.
It's tough out there for comedians -- with almost everything off limits now thanks to PC and Cancel Culture
So this is what we are left with
The progressive laugh track think its hilarious
I am guessing not a single one of you watched the Ricky Gervais Opening Monologue at the Golden Globes?
I caught it by accident, but it was must see TV. I will post the full version when available.
I now suspect the joke writers may be lurkers here too

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JoeFan, female comedians are rarely funny. They usually either scold people like Ilana or they talk incessantly about their vaginas. I'll pass.
I have never thought Gervais was funny either, but that... was... funny.

I disagree with his atheism. He is a bit of a cad on that note. But he is 100% against PC culture and Cultural Marxism. I am a fan of that.
JoeFan, female comedians are rarely funny. They usually either scold people like Ilana or they talk incessantly about their vaginas. I'll pass.

I loved Lucille Ball as a kid -- she was great.
But I cant think of another that has approached Lucy's greatness.
I was never a Carol Burnett fan but at least she wasnt constantly talking about her reproductive organs
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Once progressives are allowed to completely take over and institute state-approved laughter kontrols - this is pretty much what it will look like

I disagree with his atheism. He is a bit of a cad on that note. But he is 100% against PC culture and Cultural Marxism. I am a fan of that

I disagree with his atheism too. However, I think atheism has some pretty fundamental inconsistencies with the modern Left (at least depending on why the person is an atheist) that will pull guys like Gervais at least in the direction of the Right. If someone is an atheist basically because he detests Christians, he'll remain on the Left, because the Left will always detest Christians.

However, some atheists become so because they took a look at the facts and evidence and reached the conclusion that God doesn't exist or at least most likely doesn't exist. They reached that conclusion after careful thought and free and unencumbered inquiry rather than just kneejerk contempt. Well, that is not consistent with modern Leftism.

Despite draping itself in "science," civil liberty, and intellectualism, the ideology (social justice radicalism, environmental alarmism, Marxist economics, etc.) always takes a front seat regardless of the evidence. That's why guys like Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and even Bill Maher or Ricky Gervais once identified as staunch liberals but in more recent times broke with the modern Left. They are being told to deny what's clearly in front of their faces. For awhile, they may tolerate that, but eventually it wears thin, and that's how you get the Intellectual Dark Web people. Almost all of them are very secular, if not atheist. Most of them are liberals (with some notable exceptions). But they reject the modern Left. I think that's going to be a growing phenomenon for atheists and other secularists of good faith.
... that's how you get the Intellectual Dark Web people. Almost all of them are very secular, if not atheist. Most of them are liberals (with some notable exceptions). But they reject the modern Left. I think that's going to be a growing phenomenon for atheists and other secularists of good faith.

The only honest people left in the Left have to hide in a dark hole
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