Dumb Political Correctness

Honestly, I find it much easier to trigger the modern woke than even the most devoutly religious. I guess the Muslims who will go murder people if they see a cartoon they don't like are worse, but I don't know any Christians or Jews who are as easy to offend.

To be honest, I was thinking about Muslims but was trying to be a bit PC. We know about the fatwah's and such. I do have some very sensitive Christian friends though. They are completely harmless but they argue their faith with vigor.
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To be honest, I was thinking about Muslims but was trying to be a bit PC. We know about the fatwah's and such. I do have some very sensitive Christian friends though. They are completely harmless but they argue their faith with vigor.

I don't have a problem with someone arguing his faith or his politics with vigor. That's part of healthy debate.

The problem arises when someone's reaction to hearing an opposing view is so hostile, sensitive, or violent that it avoids or has a chilling effect on debate.

For example, if I debated Christianity with Richard Dawkins, I would argue with vigor, as he would. However, I wouldn't freak out, shout over him, encourage violence against him, or try to get others to disrupt him from making his point. Why not? Because we don't find truth or learn anything by doing that. Furthermore, if I don't protect his right to make his point, then I can't expect him to protect my right to make my point.
White progressives attack their own race. Then when the primary comes around they circle back around and pretend they never said such things.

Malcolm X said:

"The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn't taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man."

The Worst Enemy of Black People, by Walter E.Williams

When I see what happens and then read the words of someone who knows the truth then I have to wonder. I'm just laying it out here for discussion.
White progressives attack their own race. Then when the primary comes around they circle back around and pretend they never said such things.

Malcolm X said:

"The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn't taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man."

The Worst Enemy of Black People, by Walter E.Williams

When I see what happens and then read the words of someone who knows the truth then I have to wonder. I'm just laying it out here for discussion.

If you're a real fan of black empowerment and self-determination, the white liberal isn't going to be your friend, because they're ultimately in it for themselves. It's about personal moral superiority and absolution and promoting social, political, and economic dependency in order to entrench the white liberal's political interests. That is the complete opposite of self-determination.
If you're a real fan of black empowerment and self-determination, the white liberal isn't going to be your friend, because they're ultimately in it for themselves. It's about personal moral superiority and absolution and promoting social, political, and economic dependency in order to entrench the white liberal's political interests. That is the complete opposite of self-determination.

In reality, the white supremacist is the Patron presiding over the patronage feudal society which sounds to me like what you're saying here.
The thing about Rapinoe, aside from her political BS, is she ISN'T THAT GOOD.
She is winning all the attention due to her political BS, and our previous coach, who is gay, had a thing for her. >shudder<
If you know your soccer, she has usually been a sub until this WC. She's old, slow, and can't do much with her left foot.
Yes, she scored lots of goals in the WC, but most were on PKs. You are supposed to make PKs unless you choke. Other than that, she didn't go back on defense, stayed tight by the sideline, and overall played pretty poorly. That was my position when I played, and, you were supposed to be all over the field, end line to end line, side line to side line to make plays.

I have never liked her attitude, well before her political "stand". She is a "look at me" player, and I hate those. From her stupid platinum hair, to her over the top celebrations, lurking in the background or coming up to hug and scream a teammate who is being interviewed, she has to be in the spotlight.
Their are women on this team that are much better than her, and she couldn't clean the mud out of the cleats of some of the women who played the position before her. It galls me to no end to see that her flapping her ugly face is positioning her as the best of USWNT, and, she just won the most prestigious international award, so I guess this nasty old ex-sub is thought of as the best in the world?
Well played, Rapinoe. You even stole kneeling. Your reasons are not the initial reasons Colin K. knelt.
I want someone to Theisman her leg. Seriously. She is ruining women's soccer here.
The thing about Rapinoe, aside from her political BS, is she ISN'T THAT GOOD.
She is winning all the attention due to her political BS,

In a way, it's hard to blame her. Käpernick set the standard that if you aren't that good at a sport anymore, do something politically outrageous. You can use that to gain notoriety from the fawning Left and make money. She's got every reason to try to rip off his idea.
No, I'm not that bitter. No one cares about soccer in the US unless it's the World Cup, and even then it's mostly the women's team that people get excited about.
Remember when Letterman and talk shows were inviting the team, or Mia Hamm, Julie Foudy, Kristine Lilly to their programs. There were lots of commercials, and the US was really into the World Cup.
Spectators overflowed the Rose Bowl in the Finals, and then of course there was Brandi Chastain and her famous PK in OT, and her ripping her shirt off in sheer joy. (it's a soccer thing) It was an innocent display of a sport people cared about for a few weeks here in the states, and a hope by some that it would catch on. It is the most popular sport in the world.
People loved the team, the women on it and I loved it. It has slowly descended into a team such as our current team. It's divided, there is in-fighting, coaches favorites, (who are usually gay) and certain players who are in it for fame and glory alone. Rapinoe has turned off many of the Americans who cared about soccer for the World Cup at least, and I find that reprehensible. She has taken soccer and pushed it back 30 years or so.
By the way, Rapinoe deserved that award about as much as I do. A player from the UK and one from Australia deserved it much more.
But then, they just played as a team, didn't make a spectacle out of themselves or their country, and most of all, weren't SJW.
So if that makes me bitter, guilty as charged.
I'm no expert on soccer and I have no stake in her being a particular level of skill, but that award surprises me as she seemed like the 3rd or 4th best player on the US team this year. It's the old "How can you be MVP of a league/tournament if you aren't MVP of your own team?" adage.
The thing about Rapinoe, aside from her political BS, is she ISN'T THAT GOOD.
She is winning all the attention due to her political BS, and our previous coach, who is gay, had a thing for her. >shudder<
If you know your soccer, she has usually been a sub until this WC. She's old, slow, and can't do much with her left foot.
Yes, she scored lots of goals in the WC, but most were on PKs. You are supposed to make PKs unless you choke. Other than that, she didn't go back on defense, stayed tight by the sideline, and overall played pretty poorly. That was my position when I played, and, you were supposed to be all over the field, end line to end line, side line to side line to make plays.

I have never liked her attitude, well before her political "stand". She is a "look at me" player, and I hate those. From her stupid platinum hair, to her over the top celebrations, lurking in the background or coming up to hug and scream a teammate who is being interviewed, she has to be in the spotlight.
Their are women on this team that are much better than her, and she couldn't clean the mud out of the cleats of some of the women who played the position before her. It galls me to no end to see that her flapping her ugly face is positioning her as the best of USWNT, and, she just won the most prestigious international award, so I guess this nasty old ex-sub is thought of as the best in the world?
Well played, Rapinoe. You even stole kneeling. Your reasons are not the initial reasons Colin K. knelt.
I want someone to Theisman her leg. Seriously. She is ruining women's soccer here.

I wouldn't know. Sports such as women's soccer (the JV) only pique my interest when they wear the US colors. When I found out she was a poser and a hater I was no longer interested.
We have to end our cozy relationship with Saudi. Government needs to give the US oil and gas industry to go nuts so we can forget them.

Disagree generally, although we clearly need to get them to do a better job of vetting these guys. IMO, the single best thing that could happen to the wider Middle East (and, thus, the rest of the entire planet) would be if the mad mullahs of Iran were sent packing. Which might be happening at this very moment. And you can bet that, behind the scenes, MBS is a big part of what is happening there now. And even if it doesnt work this time, he is relatively young and is not going to give up (or run out of money).
Is this about money laundering or just dumb liberals?
Because I am willing to sell you a banana for a lot less than that, and I might be willing to throw in the duct tape for free
Disagree generally, although we clearly need to get them to do a better job of vetting these guys. IMO, the single best thing that could happen to the wider Middle East (and, thus, the rest of the entire planet) would be if the mad mullahs of Iran were sent packing. Which might be happening at this very moment. And you can bet that, behind the scenes, MBS is a big part of what is happening there now. And even if it doesnt work this time, he is relatively young and is not going to give up (or run out of money).

Saudi Arabia created wahhabism the branch of Islam that is murdering people all over the world. The Saudi royal family does nothing to discourage it. 9/11 was planned and executed by Saudis, aka Bin Laden. Then we train their pilots which they use to bomb poor Yemenis and starve them through blockades using equipment we sold them. Then their crazy Muslim ******** murder people on a Navy air station. If you think our relationship with the Saudis is healthy and something to continue I'm very confused.

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