Dumb Political Correctness

Glad to see State Dept. refused multiple U.S. Embassies requests to fly gay pride flag during LGBT Pride Month (whenever that is). Enough is enough.
I'm not a fan of government buildings flying any flags but the US flag and maybe the flags of the host state or nation. If you want to virtue signal (Right or Left), do it on your own time and on your own property.
If you wonder how kids are being turned into candy-asses, look at the movement to remove dodgeball. Link. It's not that there's anything magic about dodgeball. It's not gonna ruin kids if they don't play it. However, the rationale for getting rid of it is just nauseating. Schools simply shouldn't have such an agenda.

(And for the record 5th-grade Deez was a ferocious dodgeball player. I threw hard for a ten year old, but the real secret of my dominance (lol) was that my throwing motion put a lot of sinking action on the ball. That made catching my throws damn near impossible. I should have gone pro. Lol.)
So, instead of failing at sports, which might inspire some kids to strive to get better, now no kid gets to make that decision. Wasn't it Michael Jordan who got cut from his HS basketball team, but went on to become the GOAT? I feel sorry for today's kids.
I’ve been involved in 6 overseas projects where we were forced to use the metric system. I found the engineers who used the metric system to be lazy thinkers. Americans who had to converse in both metric and British units had a better grasp of units and measurement, much like people who speak more than one language are better at grammar. Psig is a much better unit than MPag, for example. Same for BTU or cal than Joule. Finally, HP is infinitely better than Newtons. For science, I would say metric is better, but for engineering, the British system is better.

We can for two reasons. First, our people are stubborn enough to resist changing. Second, we're big enough that other nations are willing to adapt to our system to do business with us. For example, is Honda going to give up the US auto market to avoid having to install a speedometer that measures in MPH and a thermometer that measures in degrees Fahrenheit? Of course not.

What I hope we never do is half-*** adopt the metric system like the UK has. They measure temperature in degrees Celsius. They measure distance in miles and speed in MPH. They sell gasoline in liters but measure fuel efficiency in MPG. They sell drinks in the grocery stores in liters (most of the time). They sell drinks in restaurants in pints. They mostly weigh themselves in pounds and measure their heights in feet/inches. They sell fruit, vegetables, and meat by the kilogram, except when they feel like doing it by the pound or pricing things both ways. When they do measure things by metric units, it's often in amounts that suggest they're thinking in imperial units. That's pain in the ***.
Another episode in social media censoring/banning political speech liberals do not like. Here, anti-free speech radicals at Pinterest added pro-life sites to "porn lists" to get the domain banned entirely
Seriously though Phil, that's what makes Farenheit better for everyday use - setting 0-100 by human comfort and not by water. Also, the smaller size of the unit makes for better granularity. I can tweak my AC or Heater up or down a Farenheit degree where Celcius would say the temperature was the same the whole time.

Wasn't it Michael Jordan who got cut from his HS basketball team, but went on to become the GOAT?

I'm pretty sure it's one of those technically correct but misleading stories. Something like, as a freshman at a really good school he made JV and not Varsity.
If you wonder how kids are being turned into candy-asses, look at the movement to remove dodgeball. Link. It's not that there's anything magic about dodgeball. It's not gonna ruin kids if they don't play it. However, the rationale for getting rid of it is just nauseating. Schools simply shouldn't have such an agenda.

(And for the record 5th-grade Deez was a ferocious dodgeball player. I threw hard for a ten year old, but the real secret of my dominance (lol) was that my throwing motion put a lot of sinking action on the ball. That made catching my throws damn near impossible. I should have gone pro. Lol.)
The Ocho is waiting for your return.
If you wonder how kids are being turned into candy-asses, look at the movement to remove dodgeball. Link. It's not that there's anything magic about dodgeball. It's not gonna ruin kids if they don't play it. However, the rationale for getting rid of it is just nauseating. Schools simply shouldn't have such an agenda.

(And for the record 5th-grade Deez was a ferocious dodgeball player. I threw hard for a ten year old, but the real secret of my dominance (lol) was that my throwing motion put a lot of sinking action on the ball. That made catching my throws damn near impossible. I should have gone pro. Lol.)
I used to love that game. Anyone else have a Jr. High coach who got way too into the dodgeball games? You know, the type that would join in the game and relish nailing kids with high velocity dodgeballs/volleyballs? I suspect every Jr. High has a coach like that.

It guess it was pretty funny except for the times when you were the guy getting drilled by a high velocity volleyball thrown by a grown man. Obviously, schools/teachers/coaches could get away with a lot more in the past...
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It gets a lot worse than that. I think most red-blooded American males have played kill the man with the ball, or some version thereof, on the playground growing up. During lunch in Jr. High, after eating, we'd wad up a bunch of aluminum foil (that Moms wrapped sandwiches in) into a ball and used that to play kill the man. In fact, said game even had some other names that would make the PC crowd very squeamish.

If this "Congress of Humanities" is bothered by dodge ball :rolleyes1: , there's no telling the level of triggering they would experience if they ever took a look at that...
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How about "Red Rover" where opposing teams would try to break through the other team's human chain. Kids would run at the other team's weakest point and leap on their joined arms. Those fatties were a ***** to stop.
In the near future...

The "Congress of Humanities" meets at Oberlin College to address the ancient playground game "kill the man." The game is condemned as a ritualistic exercise of violence, and of fostering the lynch mob mentality. The smaller, weaker kids are mauled by the tougher lads who are taught to gang up on, then physically assault the weaker members of the pack. The young toughs tackle and throw the weaker kids to the ground--a ritual act symbolizing the coordinated death of the weak and the outsider at the hands of the mob.

A resolution to ban the game from every place, everywhere, was narrowly defeated. The rationale for the defeat: at least "kill the man" celebrates the slaying of a member of the male patriarchy.

Common sense advice to the wise weaker kids: if you don't want to get mauled, don't pick up the ball.
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How about "Red Rover" where opposing teams would try to break through the other team's human chain. Kids would run at the other team's weakest point and leap on their joined arms. Those fatties were a ***** to stop.
The somewhat speedy fatties were. The slow fatties never got enough momentum to be a serious threat. One strategy I would use was to run between who I thought was the sweatiest pair of kids, on the premise that slippery arms were harder to keep hold of.
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Seriously though Phil, that's what makes Farenheit better for everyday use - setting 0-100 by human comfort and not by water. Also, the smaller size of the unit makes for better granularity. I can tweak my AC or Heater up or down a Farenheit degree where Celcius would say the temperature was the same the whole time.

In Europe, they "fix" the AC problem by generally not having it. When it comes to setting the heat, they'll often go into the tenths of degrees.
I used to love that game. Anyone else have a Jr. High coach who got way too into the dodgeball games? You know, the type that would join in the game and relish nailing kids with high velocity dodgeballs/volleyballs? I suspect every Jr. High has a coach like that.

It guess it was pretty funny except for the times when you were the guy getting drilled by a high velocity volleyball thrown by a grown man. Obviously, schools/teachers/coaches could get away with a lot more in the past...

The scariest thing I remember wasn't the coach throwing but the coach not giving a crap about kids getting hurt. There was a kid in sixth grade, and he was fairly chubby but threw ridiculously hard. I threw hard, but this dude had an overdrive gear. And while I tended to throw low to make catching it tough, he threw high to intimidate and freeze people up, and on more than one occasion, he hit people in the head and sometimes knocked them to the ground. Lots of games ended with him and me in one-on-one duels, and those were scary as hell. He usually won those.

The coach did nothing about it - didn't tell him to slow it down or to avoid the head. In fact he kinda celebrated it. He'd drill some dork in the head, and make his dork glasses fly off his head while he fell to the ground, and the coach would just yell, "great throw, Scotty!" He wouldn't even acknowledge that another kid just got the **** knocked out of him or care if he was ok. One day, he hit a girl in the face and bloodied her nose and mouth. What did the coach do? He handed her a wad of tissues and said, "walk it off, and watch out next time, especially when Scott's out there. He'll knock your head right off."
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If some crackpot church wants to host a drag queen story hour, there isn't much we can do about it. It's a public library, and I don't want public libraries picking and choosing based on content or view. Cities like Leander might kick the drag queens and freak shows out, but cities like Austin will kick Christian groups out by labeling them "hate groups.".
I'd rather keep things open and neutral.

What's really disturbing is the willingness of some parents to bring their kids to these freak shows. You can't keep kids from seeing weirdness forever. There is enough of it out there (especially now) that they will come across it eventually. However, the interest of some parents in celebrating it and intentionally destroying their kids' innocence and appropriate inhibitions so early is extremely messed up. If your kid is young enough to go to a library story hour, this garbage shouldn't be on the menu for the same reason that nudity and violence shouldn't be on the menu in the movies they watch.

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