Of course,
this is old news. People have known for decades that MLK was a sawed-off Wilt Chamberlain, but it was largely overlooked or dismissed because of his agenda of racial integration and reconciliation and because the FBI surely was abusing its power in discovering this information.
However, the issue is coming up again in a wildly different context. The racial agenda of the political Left (which used to be MLK's biggest base of support) looks very different from MLK's in terms of both substance and attitude. Furthermore, in the MeToo context, the idea that he sat and watched while a fellow "minister" raped somebody looks pretty horrible.
I'm not saying that the Left is going to "Harvey Weinstein" MLK. That would be too politically controversial. However, it wouldn't surprise me if we start hearing him discussed in less revered tones, and of course, eventually they will move away from MLK. His agenda is simply not consistent with leftist intersectionality.