Dumb Political Correctness

If you look at "her" tweets they lok so sjw real BUT actuallly hilatious.
And yes whoever it is is trolling them.

I think the problem was that initially the stuff I read from her wasn't quite crazy enough, but she's upped the game in the last month or so to make sure you can actually recognize it as satire. It's still a close call.
I like it when Hendrix plays the blues. I think rap has roots in the blues ethos along with folk music. It just sounds different.

This will also probably sound pretty daft too but Ive always been bothered by chronic complainers. The sound is like fingernails on the chalkboard. I used to live with a Jewish girl and her sister was non-stop complaining from the moment she sat down. She often started before she even sat down. I admit she could be pretty damn funny, but geesh it got old. She was an expert at two things - (1) turning any conversation about anything into one about her, and (2) then whining and complaining about everything. World class at this.

Blues singers, to me, fall into this category. Yes I concede they had a lot to complain about. I just dont want to have to listen to it all the time. I prefer forward lookers.

Speaking of, here is one of my favorites. From my perspective, this song has a better message than most blues songs. And the execution is perfect. But maybe more old time gospel than blues?

"I think the problem was that initially the stuff I read from her wasn't quite crazy enough,"

That just shows how whacked the real SJWs are.
Just like with Tatiana you shake your head on their absurdity but you realize they are serious.
This will also probably sound pretty daft too but Ive always been bothered by chronic complainers. The sound is like fingernails on the chalkboard. I used to live with a Jewish girl and her sister was non-stop complaining from the moment she sat down. She often started before she even sat down. I admit she could be pretty damn funny, but geesh it got old. She was an expert at two things - (1) turning any conversation about anything into one about her, and (2) then whining and complaining about everything. World class at this.

Blues singers, to me, fall into this category. Yes I concede they had a lot to complain about. I just dont want to have to listen to it all the time. I prefer forward lookers.

Speaking of, here is one of my favorites. From my perspective, this song has a better message than most blues songs. And the execution is perfect. But maybe more old time gospel than blues?

I'll listen to that when I get a chance. The real blues was lived, written and recorded long ago. Then the Brit's revitalized it led by Eric Clapton as far as the big names go. Now I guess it's an institution. I'm more about Hendrix guitar playing than the anguish in the lyrics which aren't revelatory per se. But the guitar tone is so heavy.

It's interesting what you say about forward or maybe positive thinking because I've been retroing on Noel Gallagher of Oasis. He wrote a song back in the 90's called Live Forever as a direct rebuttal to the grunge scene which was a bunch of disenchanted white guys (Kurt Cobain). He liked their music but said their dire view of life was "rubbish."

Funny about that girl. My ex was a chronic complainer without the humor.

The blues probably has serious roots in gospel. It's just secular...
Funny about that girl. My ex was a chronic complainer without the humor.

The blues probably has serious roots in gospel. It's just secular...
My ex was also a chronic complainer. I have ended a promising relationship because I noticed a tendency to complain about minor things. So I learned a painful lesson.

About Blues, Stevie Ray was the best IMNSHO.
My ex was also a chronic complainer. I have ended a promising relationship because I noticed a tendency to complain about minor things. So I learned a painful lesson.

About Blues, Stevie Ray was the best IMNSHO.

He had a lot of respect from the greats. No doubt.

I have my radar up for complaints now. I probably have to manage that a bit and not have a quick trigger finger. I have zero tolerance for it.
Never cared one way or other about the Blues until I saw Bonnie Raitt in Nashville, that concert moved me - fantastic lady.

On complaints and complainers - what a downer - I always followed my early lesson from working for Dupont, nothing wrong with complaining about any policy or procedure BUT if you did you must present three alternatives or solutions. Worked really well in keeping the A**** from just spewing trash, plus it gave you the opportunity to speak to upper management about anything you wanted (provided you followed the rule).
The best blues artist is Robert Johnson. Everyone since him is trying to do what he did, if they really understand the music. I don't remember him complaining too much either. That is the difference between Texas blues and Delta blues.

Robert just sang and played guitar along. Some of his songs sound like there are 2 or 3 guitar parts. It's uncanny.
The best blues artist is Robert Johnson. Everyone since him is trying to do what he did, if they really understand the music. I don't remember him complaining too much either. That is the difference between Texas blues and Delta blues.

Robert just sang and played guitar along. Some of his songs sound like there are 2 or 3 guitar parts. It's uncanny.

Wasn't he the one who made the pact with the devil? I was aware of him and the high regard in which he is held. SRV is a different modern style. They probably would have shared some mutual respect.
Trump Haters are just sick.

According to a press release from the activist group Indecline, over two-dozen “men and women of color and members of the LGBT community” placed leashes and custom made dog collars on white men in red M.A.G.A. hats and walked them on all fours up and down Hollywood Boulevard on Sunday.

What man would allow that?
Get ready for Dr. Seuss to get removed from public schools. Link.
I be A-O-C
I be A-O-C
A-O-C I Be

That A-O-C
That A-O-C
I do not like that A-O-C

Do you like the G-N-D?
I do not like it A-O-C
I do not like the G-N-D

Would you like it here or there?

I would not like it here or there,
I would not like it anywhere
I do not like the G-N-D
I do not like it A-O-C
Trump Haters are just sick.

According to a press release from the activist group Indecline, over two-dozen “men and women of color and members of the LGBT community” placed leashes and custom made dog collars on white men in red M.A.G.A. hats and walked them on all fours up and down Hollywood Boulevard on Sunday.

What man would allow that?

I thought it was a good metaphor for Trump supporters who literally disregard any potential illegality by their candidate.

TDS evolution = Trump Defense Syndrome.
So if you don't want the LGBT agenda taught in your schools, find some Muslins and get them to complain. That sets up an intersectionality conflict, and the school will give in. Link.

Just more idiocy on display. It's idiotic that schools have family and sexuality "education" in the first place, and it's idiotic that one religious group's influence carries weight while another's doesn't.
"The letter said: “The discussions were a helpful first step and identified the key issues that are concerning parents, including the ethos, the books, the age appropriateness, the lessons and the assemblies."

Other than that, it's all good.
So if you don't want the LGBT agenda taught in your schools, find some Muslins and get them to complain. That sets up an intersectionality conflict, and the school will give in. Link.

Just more idiocy on display. It's idiotic that schools have family and sexuality "education" in the first place, and it's idiotic that one religious group's influence carries weight while another's doesn't.
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One group is teaching the kids to hate them, and another to love them. Talk about screwed up chirruns.
So if you don't want the LGBT agenda taught in your schools, find some Muslins and get them to complain. That sets up an intersectionality conflict, and the school will give in. Link.

Thank goodness, that's in England. I thought Birmingham, Alabama was lost too. If we lose the South, it's all over.

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