Dumb Political Correctness

And yet the Simpsons was forced to cut Apu
What liberals can get away with is nothing short of amazing

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So I Titiana (what a name) going black face?

Yeah, I wonder if her name has anything todo with her hatred for men? I’ll bet that obnoxious high school boys nicknamed her Tits or something. Her Mom must have hated her to put that handle on her.
Titania's stuff is so funny but cleverly written that you have to remember it is all shtick, there has to be more than one writing these.
....Doesnt it seem like they are always hoaxes? The original report - the wrong one - gets spread by 100s of thousands initially
The retraction/correction gets buried
Liberals are frauds

Here is a new one -- The mayor of a town in South Carolina.....

Can I stop there?
Do you already know what is coming next?
If you have an IQ above 80, you probably do know.

The mayor of Lamar, South Carolina – Darnell Byrd-McPherson – made news early last month, claiming to be a hate crime victim after a yellowish substance was found on a pair of vehicles belonging to her and her husband.

We are grateful the person or persons did not try to take our lives but the culprits will be identified and prosecuted,” Byrd-McPherson told Tonya Brown of WPDE TV 15 (ABC – Florence/ Myrtle Beach) at the time. “Love conquers hate and my husband and I refuse to be intimidated by those who perpetrated this act of vandalism which I classify as an act of hatred.”

As you have probably already guessed, it was tree pollen.

Liberals are all frauds. Dont let them win any election at any level.

Hate Crime? No, Just Pollen …
I thought she was a raging SJW. You’re saying that she’s just trolling them?

Initially I thought she was real too, because much of what says it's typical of what "woke" idiots routinely say. It's not any nuttier than what that NYT tech writer posted.

I found the article. She views her period as beautiful and powerful. Frankly, on a certain level, she's right. What a woman's body is capable of doing is beautiful and powerful.

The problem with people who do this sort of thing (and we've seen other stories like this) is that they confuse modesty and sanitation with shame. Women who don't smear menstrual blood on themselves or otherwise try to keep it contained aren't ashamed of their periods. They're just trying to be clean, don't want their clothes ruined, and don't want to broadcast something that's personal (not shameful).

It's the same with the breastfeeders who don't cover up because it's "natural" and nothing to be ashamed of. Breastfeeding isn't shameful. It's a great thing and natural. However, pulling one's boob out and needlessly showing it off is immodest. As a dude, it doesn't bother me, but it is immodest.
I found the article. She views her period as beautiful and powerful. Frankly, on a certain level, she's right. What a woman's body is capable of doing is beautiful and powerful.

The problem with people who do this sort of thing (and we've seen other stories like this) is that they confuse modesty and sanitation with shame. Women who don't smear menstrual blood on themselves or otherwise try to keep it contained aren't ashamed of their periods. They're just trying to be clean, don't want their clothes ruined, and don't want to broadcast something that's personal (not shameful).

It's the same with the breastfeeders who don't cover up because it's "natural" and nothing to be ashamed of. Breastfeeding isn't shameful. It's a great thing and natural. However, pulling one's boob out and needlessly showing it off is immodest. As a dude, it doesn't bother me, but it is immodest.
Your views are too narrow. I suggest she rub all of her womanly waste on her face to emphasize her personal views, power, and beauty.
Has he called got this? If he has, I wasn't aware of it. And that's fine if he has. He's not always wrong.
Pulling your chain mostly, but the defenders of Trumpian politics say that conservative’s past example of not getting dirty isn’t going to change the leftists’ tactics to win power, so we might as well push for mutually assured destruction where it makes sense.
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Pulling your chain mostly, but the defenders of Trumpian politics say that conservative’s past example of not getting dirty isn’t going to change the leftists’ tactics to win power, so we might as well push for mutuallly assured destruction where it makes sense.

How is what I'm suggesting "getting dirty?"
This sets up a potentially entertaining fight among some of the various bedwetting classes


I read a statement a long time ago and I don't know who to attribute it to but it has guided me somewhat when it comes to entertainers:

"Trust the art; not the artist."
I read a statement a long time ago and I don't know who to attribute it to but it has guided me somewhat when it comes to entertainers:

"Trust the art; not the artist."

I get it. But how is the public supposed to reconcile that quote with the songs of rappers whose lyrics described their tough life in the hood while in reality they grew up in the upper middle class suburbs?
I get it. But how is the public supposed to reconcile that quote with the songs of rappers whose lyrics described their tough life in the hood while in reality they were from the upper class suburbs?

You would hope people know who lived it and who is exploiting it. I write poems. But I've never suffered like black people did; not even close. So all I can do is write about from a purely empathetic point of view. But it's not the deep blues feeling of those who have hit rock bottom.

Of course, there was that one woman who ripped my heart out...
You would hope people know who lived it and who is exploiting it. I write poems. But I've never suffered like black people did; not even close. So all I can do is write about from a purely empathetic point of view. But it's not the deep blues feeling of those who have hit rock bottom.

Of course, there was that one woman who ripped my heart out...

Heh. I will get scorned for this, and its OK, maybe I deserve to be, but I never cared for the blues. Too depressing for me
Heh. I will get scorned for this, and its OK, maybe I deserve to be, but I never cared for the blues. Too depressing for me

I like it when Hendrix plays the blues. I think rap has roots in the blues ethos along with folk music. It just sounds different.

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