Dumb Political Correctness

Stupidity on my side of the Pond. Link. On one level, I don't have a problem with the sign coming down. I always thought it was goofy looking. However, the reason why it's coming down could not be worse.
Stupidity on my side of the Pond. Link. On one level, I don't have a problem with the sign coming down. I always thought it was goofy looking. However, the reason why it's coming down could not be worse.
Ironic when those who want 'diversity' are actually encouraging cult-think, err single modes of thought. Makes me wonder how much time was spent partaking in the cafes before they made THAT boneheaded decision...
Ironic when those who want 'diversity' are actually encouraging cult-think, err single modes of thought. Makes me wonder how much time was spent partaking in the cafes before they made THAT boneheaded decision...

"Diversity" never means diversity of thought or ambition.
But instead, the Court tossed in what amounted to a substantive due process right with a bunch of flowery rhetoric about the "right to marry" and personal autonomy.

Which also opened up a can of worms regarding all the stupid "corporations are people too". If you've already declared that a group of 2 people can collectively have rights that 1 person alone does not have, then there is no reason that 2 should be the maximum limit.

If I asked you to name one thing impossible for liberals to ruin, would anyone have guessed "astrology"? Because, how could anyone ruin that?

You really can't ruin it, it's already at 0.0
Which also opened up a can of worms regarding all the stupid "corporations are people too". If you've already declared that a group of 2 people can collectively have rights that 1 person alone does not have, then there is no reason that 2 should be the maximum limit.

Honestly, I think the "corporations are people" junk came from the legal fiction of "corporate personhood" that states and the feds have created. I think the whole bit is garbage.
Corporations aren't people. But people associating themselves in corporations still do have rights to expression. You also can't shut down free speech by abstracting actual people into a corporate person.
Corporations aren't people. But people associating themselves in corporations still do have rights to expression. You also can't shut down free speech by abstracting actual people into a corporate person.

The problem with this is that the purpose of a corporation is to separate the people from the business they're creating. It's to allow people to form a business, incur liabilities, and greatly reduced the risk of the creditors associated with those liabilities being able to get at those people's personal assets.

You shouldn't be able to say, "the corporation's responsibilities aren't my responsibilities, but my rights are the corporation's rights."

Of course, on the flip side, I don't think the individuals who form corporations should be limited in how they speak or how much money they give to a candidate or cause. If Bill Gates wants to give $100M to a candidate, that should be ok, so long as it's disclosed by the candidate. That's his right. But does Microsoft have that right? No. In fact, Microsoft has no right to exist at all. It's a creation of statute.
Huis may be right if those snowflakes at that Ivy League school were insulted by that joke.
Maybe there were other insensitive jokes but that one listed was not insensitive.
Deez, the issue with speech of corporations was not really about donations to a political candidate. It was about the actual speech of the corporation. Don't movie and news corporations have their 1st amendment rights protected?
Deez, the issue with speech of corporations was not really about donations to a political candidate.

When people complain about the issue or about Citizens United, political contributions are what they're talking about.

It was about the actual speech of the corporation. Don't movie and news corporations have their 1st amendment rights protected?

The Supreme Court has protected them to a point, but in Deezestan, they wouldn't be protected. Nevertheless, the individuals who actually speak would be protected.
We have not seen ouBubba in so long maybe .....

It's still crazy and stupid, but this actually bothers me slightly less than trannies participating in women's athletics. When they get into women's athletics, they have a massive, very clear, and very unfair advantage. It's like letting adult men play little league baseball. It essentially ruins the whole point of women's athletics.

However, a trans doesn't have an inherent advantage in a beauty contest. Being six feet tall and muscular doesn't really help him. I do think this particular trans does have an advantage, because he presents a virtue signaling opportunity and a chance to "make history." However, this will matter less after the first winner.
...However, a trans doesn't have an inherent advantage in a beauty contest. Being six feet tall and muscular doesn't really help him. I do think this particular trans does have an advantage, because he presents a virtue signaling opportunity and a chance to "make history." However, this will matter less after the first winner.

I was telling my neighbor, who is female, about this this morning. Her reply was "Yeah, taller, stronger, more fit, narrow hips."
Climate change is killing the planet according to Bernie. But he'll need a climate killing private jet anyway.

Funny how his solution of "capitalism must die" is the same one he was pimping decades before anyone had ever mentioned the phrase "climate change."

It's curious isnt it, how the remedies line up so well
Google has definitely changed their search algorithm to bury conservative results. I have ZERO doubt of this. Anyone else been noticing?

Climate change is killing the planet according to Bernie. But he'll need a climate killing private jet anyway.

Along the same lines ....

Yes, Bernie and Arnie's solutions are for the masses, but not for the visionaries who must be free to do whatever is necessary to advance the cause.
When people complain about the issue or about Citizens United, political contributions are what they're talking about.

Yes, I agree and those people are totally confused about the issue that the lawsuit was actually about. It was about free speech. It doesn't make any sense to me that 1 person has freedom but the moment 10 people combine their resources they no longer have a right to speech.

The Supreme Court has protected them to a point, but in Deezestan, they wouldn't be protected. Nevertheless, the individuals who actually speak would be protected.

Sounds like a repressive place. Glad it doesn't exist. Apart from the direct speech issue, you would limit the political power of non-elite individuals.
I was telling my neighbor, who is female, about this this morning. Her reply was "Yeah, taller, stronger, more fit, narrow hips."

Proves our culture devalues women. If a woman is considered a better woman by looking more male. Especially the narrow hips part.
Google has definitely changed their search algorithm to bury conservative results. I have ZERO doubt of this. Anyone else been noticing?

The drum I am beating is that someone has to be seeing this and seeing a great market opportunity.
Yes, Bernie and Arnie's solutions are for the masses, but not for the visionaries who must be free to do whatever is necessary to advance the cause.

Not even to advance the cause. When you get a central planning economy, that economy gets planned to provide the goods/services preferred by those planning. Whatever they want basically.

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