Dumb Political Correctness

I am afraid to like these posts because the PC police might come after me even years from now.

I've wondered at times whether my liking or retweeting things has caused me to lose jobs. Marketing in NYC is basically 70 percent women, 20 percent progressive skinny jeans-wearing millennial men and 10 percent older white men who break down to the usual liberal-conservative ratio that you'd expect in the Northeast.
I actually believe that even LeBron James would be tossed from a finals game 7 for that nonsense

I was gonna say, I've seen NBA stars ejected for less.

Also, wouldn't feminist principles suggest that we defend a female official who was just doing her job?
The umpire was a man. The US Open had a man in the chair for the women’s final and a woman in the chair for the men’s final.

I actually do think that we all perceive anger across the gender line differently because we are less comfortable with, as a man for example, a woman’s high anger, or a woman when a man raises his voice at her. As men, we are not as afraid of another man’s anger because we feel like the guy is still listening. So, you can bow up against the guy who seems out of control and say, “look man, you need to back off right now!” and you just know he’s not truly going to punch you in that situation. Whereas, a woman feels more truly afraid and isn’t comfortable going anger to anger.

The criticism I did have of the umpire was that he did not try to engage Serena and try to back her down. However, how would she and the crowd have perceived that? So, it’s kind of no-win.

Maybe having same-sex umpires would be better.
I can't believe the outrage over Serena. I used to play quite a bit of tennis, and, it is one of the last remaining sporting events that tries to have a sense of decorum.
Serena has the "double bonus" of the loss of the point due to both racism and sexism. Both are ridiculous.

As Clean mentioned above, the first 2 warnings were without question. The ref had even given her a verbal warning about the coaching signs during a change over.
What most people who didn't see the actual match, but are making racist/sexist assumptions is Serena, unlike the men, would not let the ref's "mistakes" go. She kept complaining, accusing, and demanding an apology long after the incident should have been over. She has always been a great player, but an incredibly poor sport when losing. She can't abide the fact that she is playing poorly, so she takes it out on something or someone. If I had been the ref, I would have slapped the 3rd penalty much sooner.

What many people don't realize (all my p**** hat wearing Face bookers) don't get is that MOST pro tennis players, ESPECIALLY those with years of experience, don't ever let things get to the third warning. It's like a soccer player who has a yellow card, you have to tread a little lightly so you won't get a second and get kicked out of the game.
They may have one huge outburst, take the warning, and go about playing the game. Think of John McEnroe, or Jimmy Conners. As bad as they were, I can recall many tirades, but only one huge rant in one match.
I am so tired of women, and social police talking about things they know nothing about, and sharing sharing sharing their opinion.
Martina Navratilova, the Serena of her time, and Margaret Court, the Serena of her time, have both spoken out against Serena's behavior. As Martina said, "there were so many times I had the racket in my hand, and wanted to smash it in to a hundred pieces, but then I would think of the children that might be watching, and my hand would relax".

Decorum is dead.
I am so tired of women, and social police talking about things they know nothing about, and sharing sharing sharing their opinion.
Martina Navratilova, the Serena of her time, and Margaret Court, the Serena of her time, have both spoken out against Serena's behavior.

It doesn't matter what they know, because they're beneath Serena Williams in the intersectionality hierarchy. Margaret is white and old. Navratilova is a lesbian, which might ordinarily give her the edge, but she is older and worse, has criticized communism. That pretty much mitigates any edge she'd get for her lesbianism.

A black woman was punished by a white man. That's all that matters.
Navratilova is a lesbian, which might ordinarily give her the edge, but she is older and worse, has criticized communism.

Eastern European women are actually lower on the intersectionality rating scale than American women, because they tend to be much more concerned about the dangers of communism, they love America, they embrace free speech, and they generally seem to feel happy about life.
Eastern European women are actually lower on the intersectionality rating scale than American women, because they tend to be much more concerned about the dangers of communism, they love America, they embrace free speech, and they generally seem to feel happy about life.

And like other Eastern Europeans, they aren't paralyzed by white guilt and value the nation state as a form of government.
I am left of center (at least among Hornfans posters) because of my egalitarian leanings. So the idea that Serena should get by with unacceptable, rule-violating behavior because of "who she is" seems the worst kind of bullcrap.
Eastern European women are actually lower on the intersectionality rating scale than American women, because they tend to be much more concerned about the dangers of communism, they love America, they embrace free speech, and they generally seem to feel happy about life.
loving America and embracing free speech almost AUTOMATICALLY means the SJW's will discount Martina.
The umpire was a man. The US Open had a man in the chair for the women’s final and a woman in the chair for the men’s final.

Ah, I had to re-read where I originally thought I saw that from, and realized they were saying something like "both competitors in the game were women, so how is it sexist to make a ruling that helps one of them?" and I thought they were saying the penalized player and the official were both women.
And they know how to ****!!!

Okay, I threw that one in for the fun of it.

I guess I'm not the only one who posts while drinking booze. Personally, I've never gotten with an Eastern European chick, but I've heard from a few who have that this is generally true.

How come all these women are attractive

The ones who get in the news are attractive, and she's attractive (though it's clear from that picture her "bosoms" are lopsided). However, keep in mind that this happens a lot more often than is reported in the national news. For example, it's a much bigger deal than sexual assault in the Catholic church, but it gets a fraction of the coverage. So who's involved in the cases that are quietly handled and don't get in the news (which is a lot)? Probably the less attractive teachers and of course the men who get caught.

What has always stunned me is how light these female teachers get off. This lady isn't going to jail, and she isn't losing her license. She'll have another job next year.

If she was a male teacher who was going down on a 14 year old girl, he wouldn't care about his license, because he'd spend the next 50 years in the slammer.
The ones who get in the news are attractive, and she's attractive (though it's clear from that picture her "bosoms" are lopsided).

Yeah I could barely stand to look at her...

In fairness, she's walking, and at an angle, and images get distorted sometimes, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't care regardless.
Yeah I could barely stand to look at her...

In fairness, she's walking, and at an angle, and images get distorted sometimes, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't care regardless.

First, yes they are lopsided. Trust me. I'm good at this.

Second, it wouldn't matter to me either. Though I'm a staunch breast guy, I'd never reject a woman because of her boobs.
First, yes they are lopsided. Trust me. I'm good at this.

Second, it wouldn't matter to me either. Though I'm a staunch breast guy, I'd never reject a woman because of her boobs.
I went ahead and looked at the available pictures of “Dori,” and she’s not really very attractive at all. Without makeup, she is a 4/10, at best, and she looks to be a very sad person, and these were photos from before all this.
I can be drawn to minimize the assault element of a 23 year old woman with an 18 year old student (although my wife strongly disagrees), but honestly, a full grown adult woman with a 14-year old boy is very damaging, is criminal, and deserves prison. For her to be free and go on teaching is outrageous.
For her to be free and go on teaching is outrageous.

Keeping the teaching certificate is NOT the same as saying 'keeping employment.' The conviction will be a permanent part of the record and few districts are going to be willing to assume that risk...teaching isn't generally like the Catholic church where they pass around the pedophiles from locale to locale...
I can be drawn to minimize the assault element of a 23 year old woman with an 18 year old student (although my wife strongly disagrees), but honestly, a full grown adult woman with a 14-year old boy is very damaging, is criminal, and deserves prison. For her to be free and go on teaching is outrageous.

I agree completely, but these cases fall apart when the "victim" testifies. Most of these boys have bragged about how they mailed their teacher, how she rocked his world, and how it's the most fun he has ever had in his life. A female victim will testify with credibility that the male teacher ruined her life.
Keeping the teaching certificate is NOT the same as saying 'keeping employment.' The conviction will be a permanent part of the record and few districts are going to be willing to assume that risk...teaching isn't generally like the Catholic church where they pass around the pedophiles from locale to locale...

It isn't as though she's a householdh name. Some sloppy district will hire her. And risk? That's what sovereign immunity is for.
It isn't as though she's a householdh name. Some sloppy district will hire her. And risk? That's what sovereign immunity is for.
So if school systems have sovereign immunity, why do the kids in school athletics have to sign waiver forms?
So if school systems have sovereign immunity, why do the kids in school athletics have to sign waiver forms?

To give you a perfect answer, I'd have to read the waiver. However, I suspect that the waiver covers claims that wouldn't be barred by sovereign immunity, or it covers claims against parties that aren't protected by sovereign immunity.
To give you a perfect answer, I'd have to read the waiver. However, I suspect that the waiver covers claims that wouldn't be barred by sovereign immunity, or it covers claims against parties that aren't protected by sovereign immunity.
Yes, probably for all the 3rd parties (referees, medical support, etc) that are part of the sporting event.
....Serena has the "double bonus" of the loss of the point due to both racism and sexism. Both are ridiculous......

Turns out male tennis players are penalized much more than females
Report: Men penalized significantly more than women in tennis

" .... Williams pleaded her case to other officials who were called to the court, and called out what she sees as a double-standard in the sport — saying that male tennis players never face harsh penalties like hers for similar actions.

However, in the four Grand Slam events over the past 20 years, men have been penalized significantly more often than women, according to a New York Times report on Friday.

The report, looking at fines data at Grand Slam events from 1998 to 2018, found that women were fined 535 times, while men were fined 1,517 times.

Women only outnumbered men in two categories over the past two decades — racking up 152 fines for coaching, compared to just 87 for men, and 10 no press fines, compared to just six for men.

  • Racket Abuse — Men 646, Women 99
  • Audible Obscenity — Men 344, 140
  • Unsportsmanlike Conduct — Men 287, Women 67
  • Verbal Abuse — Men 62, Women 16
  • Ball Abuse — Men 49, Women 35
  • Visible Obscenity — Men 20, Women 11
The biggest fine in which women were fined for more than men, coaching, is the one that Williams picked up her first penalty for during her loss to Naomi Osaka — which sparked the other two penalties.
Yes, probably for all the 3rd parties (referees, medical support, etc) that are part of the sporting event.

Exactly. In addition, the Texas Tort Claims Act expressly waives sovereign immunity for motor vehicle accidents, so if a football player gets injured in the team bus on the way to a game, he could sue. It's possible that the waiver covers those situations. That would surprise me, but it's possible.

As for the teacher who has sex with a student, a basic tort action negligent hiring or retention claim wouldn't fly. Sovereign immunity would block that. You'd have to figure out a way to bring it under federal law, which means you'd need some special circumstances to make it work. Think "square peg, round hole." It would be an uphill battle.

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