Dumb Political Correctness

Looks like JLo just gave up trying to get her jeans over her gigantic rear and decided to just walk on

That's the stupidest fashion trend yet. Stupider even than backwards hats and pants that show your underwear and butt crack.

That just screams "look at me! look at me!" If you're a big time celebrity like JLo, do you really need that attention?
She has a nice ***, but she is a dumbass.
And this woman might be after this set-up. She seems to be working her way through some type of professional athlete Rolodex.

And these men were helpless to stop her? He chose **** her, he now has to deal with the consequences. No, I do not feel sorry for Blake Griffin or for things he himself brought upon himself.
That assumes that all that money would be spent on the kid and his lifestyle. Parents should get to make that decision, not the state.

Parents generally get to make agreements on child support. If they're having an adversarial hearing, that means that they're fighting over the issue.

And you are correct. The custodial parent may not spend the money on the child, and the non-custodial parent may take her or him to court over the issue. However, that doesn't diminish the duty of the non-custodial parent to pay. And yes, it's at least presumed that the parent who keeps the child is more likely to spend on the child than the parent who's trying to ditch the child.

What pisses people off is that child support money necessarily benefits the custodial parent. If the child is on a fancy house, so is the custodial parent. If you don't like that dynamic, then don't ditch your kids. Better yet, don't put your junk in stupid places and make kids you don't want.
That's the stupidest fashion trend yet. Stupider even than backwards hats and pants that show your underwear and butt crack. That just screams "look at me! look at me!" If you're a big time celebrity like JLo, do you really need that attention?

Just in case that was rooted in jealously, there is a line developing for men
That's the stupidest fashion trend yet. Stupider even than backwards hats and pants that show your underwear and butt crack.

That just screams "look at me! look at me!" If you're a big time celebrity like JLo, do you really need that attention?
I believe those were boots made to look like pants. The photographer got the right angle such that you couldn’t tell.
And these men were helpless to stop her? He chose **** her, he now has to deal with the consequences. No, I do not feel sorry for Blake Griffin or for things he himself brought upon himself.

This. Keep in mind that Blake Griffin signed a contract this last offseason that guarantees him an average of $34M/yr for 5 years. That's just his contract, not considering endorsements. He's contributing <10% of his annual compensation to child support. All divorced Dad's should be so fortunate.

Anyone remember Shawn Kemp and his 10 children with 8 different women? Loved the Sonics back then but never felt one ounce of sorrow for him. Children should be more than simply a financial obligation.
So Candace Owens( who is black and conservative)tweets the exact same things Jeong did but replaced the word white with black and Jewish.
Twitter suspended Owens. Jeong's account remains unaffected.

You know when the Jeong thing happened, we always say, "Well if I had said that about a black person then I would be canned" or something like that. Nice to see Candace prove the point that is usually only conjecture.
Here or Cactus Cafe? ... had trouble deciding

Given the screwed up appointments to leadership roles they make over there, dude will likely be donning a dress and make-up in the days to come, after which they proudly promote their all-'women' team.
Just google any of the netroots interviews or speeches. Two things I take away:

1) Progressives are ok with discriminating based on sex or race. Especially white men. They are very open about this.
2) the Democrat establishment is in deep trouble. These folks are socialist to the core and are ready to primary anyone not with them.
Given the screwed up appointments to leadership roles they make over there, dude will likely be donning a dress and make-up in the days to come, after which they proudly promote their all-'women' team.

By coincidence, I have just the outfit for him
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I'm no apologist for Alex Jones. He's a crackpot in every sense, but I am a bit skeptical of the decision to remove him from YouTube, Facebook, and Apple. Obviously he has no right to be on those platforms, and neither does anyone else. However, those platforms routinely tolerate bigger crackpots who are at least as inflammatory. This is the sort of thing that bolsters the Right's claims of viewpoint discrimination. Louis Farrakhan and Antifa are fine, but Alex Jones isn't.
It is discriminatory and longterm it will cost them. All it will take is a new platform and critical mass using it. Up to date there hasn't been a reason for people to shift. But now there is.
Facebook is already losing business in parts around the globe. Example: they sided with the Vietnamese Communists to restrict speech or provide user data to them, so for the most part that country is using Minds.com which is dedicated to free speech, anonymity, and encryption.
I think a lot of that (though not all) is a symptom of selfish, checked out pansy fathers.

Dad's need to learn that your children are a responsibility.

What you and Joe Fan are missing is that child support isn't supposed to just be enough to raise a child. It's supposed to be enough to give the child a similar lifestyle to what he or she would have had if Dad hadn't walked away.

Although 4 times out of 5 it's the mom who walked away (plenty of times with reason, I'm sure). Do we have a problem in America with lazy irresponsible dads? Yes, for sure, but not to the extent most people say. We also have a problem that there are of a lot understandably embittered fathers who are culturally informed that being male makes them unsuitable parents, had no idea how to be a good father but tried anyway, love their kids but hardly ever get to see them and meanwhile as further punishment for not being able to spend much time with them, is also forced to hand over a large amount of his money to the mother so that she doesn't have to find a job. And then a separate but related problem is that if you're a man who is poor and can barely afford to support his family, the government rewards you financially if you don't live with your family.

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