Dumb Political Correctness

"So please get another historical event to exploit because not only are you belittling the horrors of one of the great crimes against humanity, you also sound ridiculous."

So Obama etc never separated children brought by people who illegally entered?
The WAPO is now openly encouraging the harassment of women
We live in strange times

He only called for his supporters to beat up the opposition. He even offered to pay legal expenses. How soon some forget.

I think you are referring to this
If you beat up a protester at Trump’s rally, he’ll cover your legal fees.
After receiving a notice from his security that someone might be planning to throw tomatoes at him (again), Trump told his supporters to “knock the crap out of them … I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.” The crowd vociferously cheered him on.

Not opposition, protesters throwing tomatoes at president. Don’t want to get in pissing match with you SH, you have your beliefs. But I stand by my statement.
Would it be fair for him to work the same amount of hours in a comparable job and make more money than me? Definitely not! Until the wage gap is closed in all fields, he will not be working. Which is…fine. And good! It is good.

Sure, he could update his LinkedIn, finish his associate’s degree or call his Uncle Jerry who said he could have a job at his firm whenever he’s ready, but he fights the temptation to become yet another male who would make more money than me. So brave!

The left is getting more and more stupid by the day. This is beyond idiotic.

I thought about replying "We need a SCOTUS who knows the law." But that seemed irrelevant to the point he was trying to make.
The left is getting more and more stupid by the day. This is beyond idiotic.

I thought about replying "We need a SCOTUS who knows the law." But that seemed irrelevant to the point he was trying to make.

I feel like that must be a parody account -- its too funny to actually be them
Maybe this one is too...

Fortunately this one is getting absolutely demolished in the comments, which I expect was the reason they posted it.

The left is getting more and more stupid by the day. This is beyond idiotic.

I thought about replying "We need a SCOTUS who knows the law." But that seemed irrelevant to the point he was trying to make.

Meaning how we feel should be the judge.
Maybe this one is too...

Fortunately this one is getting absolutely demolished in the comments, which I expect was the reason they posted it.

Wow. A lot of idiocy in this article.

We live in a time no more peaceful than Beethoven’s.

What has this guy been smoking? Bad things are happening in the world, but this is a picnic on the beach in Tahiti compared to the 19th century. These people who think everything is so violent truly don't know what violence and war are. I guess if you think speech that makes somebody uncomfortable is violence as the mal-educated believe, then I can see why people would think violence is everywhere.

Our conflicts today pit the great traditions and ways of thinking of the 19th century against a (hopefully) freer, more spontaneous, more shared, more inclusive 21st century.

Actually they don't. Furthermore, the forces of the 21st century usually advocate less freedom, less inclusiveness, and more surrender to unaccountable central planners (meaning less spontaneity). It's the wrong direction to go.

We have the 19th-century ideal of strength in unity — expressed in the “Ode to Joy” — scraping up uneasily against a 21st-century ideal of strength in diversity. The change in perspective makes some people afraid and angry. It makes others hopeful and optimistic.

I hate stupid, vague slogan terms like "unity" and "diversity." People who think they are opposites (like this dolt) are part of the problem. You can have diversity of arbitrary characteristics (like race, ethnicity, and sometimes religion), while having unity of culture, values, and purpose. People who think like this guy resist unity of culture, values, and purpose. That's what people fear, and they fear it for good reason. When you don't have a unity of culture, values, and purpose, it leads to violence and the destruction of civilizing institutions. But of course, this dummy thinks that opponents of people with his moronic viewpoint are just ignorant and fear racial and ethnic diversity.

Until we see whether we can achieve a paradigm shift or whether we fall back into something like the genocidal chaos of the mid-20th century, I think we should press pause on Beethoven’s Ninth.

Uh, yeah, we've had a paradigm shift since WWII. In fact, we had a paradigm shift precisely because of WWII. We'll never have war like that again in the West - so long as we can keep the West together and stop trying to ruin it by poisoning it with other more violent and more freedom-hating cultures that the globalist Left fetishizes.
These people who think everything is so violent truly don't know what violence and war are. I guess if you think speech that makes somebody uncomfortable is violence as the mal-educated believe, then I can see why people would think violence is everywhere.

I think that may be the issue - fueled by a bubble that basically tells you every day that something awful happened to someone somewhere, which means it must be pervasive.

HuffPo just tweeted something this week about the U.S. being the third most dangerous place in the world for women in terms of sexual assault. I don't even know how to argue with that, it's so bizarrely wrong. I don't know if people are being deliberately dishonest, or they're so removed from any actual real-life exposure to issues that they think Twitter is actually what's happening in the world. Or something.
HuffPo just tweeted something this week about the U.S. being the third most dangerous place in the world for women in terms of sexual assault. I don't even know how to argue with that, it's so bizarrely wrong. I don't know if people are being deliberately dishonest, or they're so removed from any actual real-life exposure to issues that they think Twitter is actually what's happening in the world. Or something.

For some, it's stupidity. For HuffPo, it's deliberate dishonesty.
When you read about one of these "studies," you'll see that they don't just look at the sexual assault stats and run the percentages. That's too objective and too hard to rig. Instead, they generalize the study so they can pack it with subjectivity. For example, the study you're talking about wasn't specifically about sexual assault but about what countries are most "dangerous for women." Well, that has all kinds of wiggle room in which to insert a political agenda. They chose to base it on "rates of violence against women, a lack of economic resources, health care issues and traditions that perpetuate strict gender roles." Most of that has nothing to do with sexual assault, but it provides a vehicle from which to bash conservative-libertarian policy.

And of course, it wasn't even a study. It was a poll of "550 global experts on women’s issues." Who the hell is that? It's going to a bunch of Marxist pseudo-intellectuals on college campuses, the UN, and other America-hating organizations.
I would say that can't be real
But the vile stuff being spewed by so many left pols and public figures boggles anyone with half a brain.
Here is something interesting to me. One of my Facebook friends is a black lady who used to work for the company I work for. She is married to a black man. Just now she just posted a funny video of a monkey carrying a stack of oranges; the meme said, "This is me not wanting to pay ten cents for a bag at the grocery store."

A monkey. A black lady. All her friends laughed. I liked it on FB and said something funny (because I'm a funny guy). No politics. Just a funny video and she saw no connection between the monkey or herself. How refreshing to see her mind being so relaxed about life.
The degree of outrage of the #MeToo crowd seems to vary proportionally with the politics and looks of the purported groper

In this instance, a reversal of dumb political correctness
The state Supreme Ct in Wisc forced Marquette University to reinstate a prof it fired 3+ years ago (with pay)

" .... McAdams criticized a graduate teaching instructor by name for her refusal to allow a student to debate gay rights because “everybody agrees on this.” Marquette effectively fired McAdams later that year, suspending him indefinitely without pay.

Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court said Marquette’s decision violated its guarantee of academic freedom to McAdams and ordered his immediate reinstatement.

“The undisputed facts show that the University breached its contract with Dr. McAdams when it suspended him for engaging in activity protected by the contract’s guarantee of academic freedom,” the court wrote. “Therefore, we reverse the circuit court and remand this cause with instructions to enter judgment in favor of Dr. McAdams, conduct further proceedings to determine damages (which shall include back pay), and order the University to immediately reinstate Dr. McAdams with unimpaired rank, tenure, compensation, and benefits.” ....."

So my pussyhat-wearing cousin posted this on Facebook and says she's "officially jealous" of Canada. And this is what's wrong with politics. It's fine to disagree with Trump and consider him vulgar, but is this the alternative to embrace?


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