Dumb Political Correctness

After all, who can forget the Ludwig nonsense in California a few years back...it wasn't scholarship, but it was still an aging dude taking a spot on a women's college team. I am guessing you can figure out which one he was...

And for the steroid-pushing wrestling student...I don't see how that can remotely be approved by ANY entity that oversees competitions. The claim was advanced that it was 'low dose' but a low dose for a female is STILL more than a female should have in their system. The kid's muscle development makes clear they were deriving a competitive edge from what amounts to legalized steroid use...
That is hilarious!
“The [magazine] specifically features and promotes black and brown lgbtqa creatives,” a description of the event reads. “We hope to showcase our talent and create an open space for our voices to be heard.”

That's the problem in this country. You just can't find a place where minority LGBTQA activists can spout off about what they believe. It's impossible to know what they believe or how they feel about anything!
We need a thread for "idiotic bias" but for now, here's an example of why I can't stand Snopes:



CNN invested in an industrial-sized washing machine to help their journalists and news anchors spin the news before publication.

On 1 March 2018, the Babylon Bee web site published an article reporting that CNN had made a significant investment in heavy machinery to assist their journalists “spin” the news they report:

ATLANTA, GA — In order to aid the news station in preparing stories for consumption, popular news media organization CNN purchased an industrial-sized washing machine to help its journalists and news anchors spin the news before publication.

The custom-made device allows CNN reporters to load just the facts of a given issue, turn a dial to “spin cycle,” and within five minutes, receive a nearly unrecognizable version of the story that’s been spun to fit with the news station’s agenda.

One reporter was seen inserting the facts of a recent news story early Thursday morning.

“Okay, so we just slip in the location, the people involved, the facts of the story, and there we go,” he muttered as he fiddled with the buttons and dials on the machine. “Spin for five minutes on high, and we’ll have ourselves a news story.”

Although it should have been obvious that the Babylon Bee piece was just a spoof of the ongoing political brouhaha over alleged news media “bias” and “fake news,” some readers missed that aspect of the article and interpreted it literally. But the site’s footer gives away the Babylon Bee’s nature by describing it as “Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire,” and the site has been responsible for a number of other (usually religious-themed) spoofs that have been mistaken for real news articles.

OK.... REALLY??? Someone read that article and thought it was true? Come on... This is the kind of thing where someone at Snopes sees CNN getting ridiculed and wants an excuse to call it "false" SOMEHOW.
That's the problem in this country. You just can't find a place where minority LGBTQA activists can spout off about what they believe. ....

What they believe is
(1) none of us should be allowed to own a gun
(2) that we should all just die instead

Campbell was charged with strangulation, assault, resisting arrest, loitering, criminal possession of a weapon and obstruction of government administration

We need a thread for "idiotic bias" but for now, here's an example of why I can't stand Snopes:



CNN invested in an industrial-sized washing machine to help their journalists and news anchors spin the news before publication.

On 1 March 2018, the Babylon Bee web site published an article reporting that CNN had made a significant investment in heavy machinery to assist their journalists “spin” the news they report:

ATLANTA, GA — In order to aid the news station in preparing stories for consumption, popular news media organization CNN purchased an industrial-sized washing machine to help its journalists and news anchors spin the news before publication.

The custom-made device allows CNN reporters to load just the facts of a given issue, turn a dial to “spin cycle,” and within five minutes, receive a nearly unrecognizable version of the story that’s been spun to fit with the news station’s agenda.

One reporter was seen inserting the facts of a recent news story early Thursday morning.

“Okay, so we just slip in the location, the people involved, the facts of the story, and there we go,” he muttered as he fiddled with the buttons and dials on the machine. “Spin for five minutes on high, and we’ll have ourselves a news story.”

Although it should have been obvious that the Babylon Bee piece was just a spoof of the ongoing political brouhaha over alleged news media “bias” and “fake news,” some readers missed that aspect of the article and interpreted it literally. But the site’s footer gives away the Babylon Bee’s nature by describing it as “Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire,” and the site has been responsible for a number of other (usually religious-themed) spoofs that have been mistaken for real news articles.

OK.... REALLY??? Someone read that article and thought it was true? Come on... This is the kind of thing where someone at Snopes sees CNN getting ridiculed and wants an excuse to call it "false" SOMEHOW.

I wonder if or when Snopes will "fact check" whether or not Marco Rubio or Dana Loesch were actually responsible for the Parkland shooting.
I wonder if or when Snopes will "fact check" whether or not Marco Rubio or Dana Loesch were actually responsible for the Parkland shooting.

That's the second dangerous aspect of "fact checkers" - it's not just about the danger of perspective (when something is "partly true" or partly false"?) But it's about what gets evaluated. What types of questions get focus? And what questions are more relevant than others? Which ones are just about embarrassing someone and which ones have real consequences?
That's the second dangerous aspect of "fact checkers" - it's not just about the danger of perspective (when something is "partly true" or partly false"?) But it's about what gets evaluated. What types of questions get focus? And what questions are more relevant than others? Which ones are just about embarrassing someone and which ones have real consequences?

In theory, fact checking is a good thing. It can hold politicians accountable when politicians say false things. However, in practice they are often a weapon used to give the Left unearned legitimacy and a deemed but phony accuracy.

They screw up in a few respects. First, they are very selective about what they choose to check. Second, they distort what is and is not a fact statement. They basically don't know what a fact is. Third, if you read their "analyses," rarely do they simply cite to relevant facts. Instead, they cherry-pick facts that support the conclusions they want to reach and ignore facts that undermine that conclusion. In other words, they're often full of spin rather than true analysis. Finally, they aren't equally tolerant of inaccuracies. They seem far more willing to dish out "pants on fire" on Republicans than on Democrats, whose inaccuracies they'll often spin into "mostly false" or even "mostly true."
So basically Brooklyn barbecue is Texas barbecue with enough twists to claim it's not really Texas barbecue, plus smaller servings and more pretentious plating.
Of course, this is a girl "transitioning" to a dude and is taking testosterone. Of course if a non-tranny was known to be taking testosterone, I assume he'd or she would be disqualified as a steroid user.

I haven't been around much lately. In this situation this transitioning boy wanted to wrestle in the boys division. The governing body in Texas (UIL?) decided to draft the rules in 2016 to force them to wrestle based on the gender assigned on their birth certificate. That's more of a UIL problem, IMHO.

I've seen non-transitioning girls that can hang with the boys. Let them wrestle the boys, especially when the girls division is generally obscenely weak. In Washington State the girls have the option of wrestling in the boys division. When it comes to wrestling, it's been my experience that the wrestlers want to beat the best so rarely to you get a girl capable of competing against boys choosing to stay in the girls division.
I haven't been around much lately. In this situation this transitioning boy wanted to wrestle in the boys division. The governing body in Texas (UIL?) decided to draft the rules in 2016 to force them to wrestle based on the gender assigned on their birth certificate. That's more of a UIL problem, IMHO.

I've seen non-transitioning girls that can hang with the boys. Let them wrestle the boys, especially when the girls division is generally obscenely weak. In Washington State the girls have the option of wrestling in the boys division. When it comes to wrestling, it's been my experience that the wrestlers want to beat the best so rarely to you get a girl capable of competing against boys choosing to stay in the girls division.

This goes back to the issue of why we segregate sports by sex in the first place. Should we drop that and let weaker or less skilled dudes compete in what used to be the women's leagues? If we're going to treat gender as an outdated social construct, then that's where we're heading. It's the only conclusion that is consistent and makes sense.

If you do that, then the FTM folks can compete wherever they choose. However, they should still have to pass a steroid test.

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