Dumb Political Correctness

I think that is a great point. The democratic party has a tent that largely consist of groups of people with very disparate single issue voters. The only reason they are democrats are that their single issue doesn't fit within the Republican tent. ie. I'm black...but I'm straight, value traditional family, want low taxes, support the military, go to church...hmmm, 4 out of 5 dentists surveyed say this guy should be a republican but he's been sold on the idea that black people vote for democrats. The one thing he values that doesn't fit the R platform is affirmative action. Maybe he's not a majority democrat after all. Maybe at some point, he decides I'd rather get 80% of what I believe versus nothing from the democrats.

I don't think identity politics is the challenge as much as conflicting interests between the various identities. Specifically, the Democrats are trying to hold an "everybody who isn't white plus non-religious, globalist whites" coalition together. The problem with that is that blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and globalist whites have conflicting interests. What's good for one identity isn't good for the other. Identity politics is a strong diversion from those conflicts, but I do wonder how long that can be effective. Right now, the globalist whites are basically getting their way.
The meme below has expired
Thanks to this well written first hand account by Lupita Nyong’o

"..... We got to his home after lunch and I met his domestic staff and his young children. He took me on a brief tour of the house before he rounded us all up in the screening room to watch the film. He had just produced a similar film of his own, but everyone was raving about this rival version.

I settled in for the film, but about 15 minutes in, Harvey came for me, saying he wanted to show me something......

* * *
Part of our drama school curriculum at Yale included body work, using massage techniques on one another to understand the connection between body, mind and emotion, and so I felt I could rationalize giving him one and keep a semblance of professionalism in spite of the bizarre circumstance. He agreed to this and lay on the bed. I began to massage his back to buy myself time to figure out how to extricate myself from this undesirable situation. Before long he said he wanted to take off his pants....."


I don't think identity politics is the challenge as much as conflicting interests between the various identities. ....

The next day provides an example of what I was writing about.
This one from Intersectional Oppression Olympics
Eventually this will implode on itself

Yep there is plenty of foreshadowing from current examples of Libs beginning to eat their own at an increasing rate.

In the mad dash to receive universal pity as the most oppressed, those with prominent competing claims are dead in the crosshairs.

My oppression is worse than your oppression so your flaunting your oppression is oppressing me further. :facepalm:

We could see it begin to take shape when BLM hijacked Bernie's speech and then all four Dem candidates selected "Black Lives Matter" over "All Lives Matter" when asked to choose in the debate. But now it's only escalating at an ever increasing pace of occurrences.

With aging white leadership already in jeopardy and no anointed one heading into 2019, the Game of Thrones battles will be juicy. :popcorn:

My guess is the ultra-radical Kamala Harris, Keith Ellison types will have the loudest voice and scare cuck whiteys into stepping aside in fear of the race card.
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I had a long discussion years ago at a cocktail party with a Hispanic man in Laredo about this sort of thing. He was a professional, very well spoken and thoughtful. He blamed racism and some cultural expectations of government support for the reason Hispanics in Laredo were overwhelmingly Democrat. Not Liberal. Democrat. He said they were Catholic (abortion is murder), family oriented, had a high-work ethic, loved our country and the military along with law and order. In other words, traditional Conservative values.

It is my view that he could be reached but not by the tone-deaf, idealistic, stubborn white leadership on the right.

I have read and argued with quite a few hard-core Liberals over the years and my take on their core demographic is this: Feminist, secular/atheist and "educated" as they like to say. That is not the demographic that is illegally entering our country from the south (calling it as I see it) yet these hard-core Liberals enable the immigration while simultaneously hating white people with the same demographic (Christian, male-centric, uneducated). I contend if the immigrants from Mexico were white that these Leftists would build the wall themselves.
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I had a long discussion years ago at a cocktail party with a Hispanic man in Laredo about this sort of thing. He was a professional, very well spoken and thoughtful. He blamed racism and some cultural expectations of government support for the reason Hispanics in Laredo were overwhelmingly Democrat. Not Liberal. Democrat. He said they were Catholic (abortion is murder), family oriented, had a high-work ethic, loved our country and the military along with law and order. In other words, traditional Conservative values.

It is my view that he could be reached but not by the tone-deaf, idealistic, stubborn white leadership on the right.

I have read and argued with quite a few hard-core Liberals over the years and my take on their core demographic is this: Feminist, secular/atheist and "educated" as they like to say. That is not the demographic that is illegally entering our country from the south (calling it as I see it) yet these hard-core Liberals enable the immigration while simultaneously hating white people with the same demographic (Christian, male-centric, uneducated). I contend if the immigrants from Mexico were white that these Leftists would build the wall themselves.
My fondest hope is that an Allen West type will run under the republican ticket one of these days. There are so many conservative minorities out there, they just have to hide it because its not consistent with the friends and family political scape.

I know that feeling sometimes too. When I mention an NPR segment, I get the stern looks from almost everyone else in the room.
My fondest hope is that an Allen West type will run under the republican ticket one of these days. There are so many conservative minorities out there, they just have to hide it because its not consistent with the friends and family political scape....

While not a minority, I've long believed the first female President will be conservative. Have not been proven wrong yet (or correct).
First issue after Hef passes, a transgendered "woman" is the Playboy Playmate of the Month.

No wonder its' circulation is down from 5.6 million in 1975 to less than a million in 2015. They make half their money in merchandizing now, most of that in China, where apparently Chinese men want the Playboy logo on everything to prove what studs they are.


Wonder if Hef would invited "her" into one of his girlfriend "harems" back in the day. I doubt it.
Yet another example of why Dems are lagging so miserably...in a Virginia District with an apparently uber-conservative Delegate (seems to be same as a State Rep), they decide to put up a male-to-trans as their candidate in the primary. Candidate then basically runs an ad claiming you should vote for him because...trans. 30 seconds of putting on make-up and not a word about real issues impacting the District.

I feel sorry for the voters who now have no viable candidate...but the fact that the Dems could not come up with any better option shows how far they have sunk.

His campaign ad...
Yet another example of why Dems are lagging so miserably...in a Virginia District with an apparently uber-conservative Delegate (seems to be same as a State Rep), they decide to put up a male-to-trans as their candidate in the primary. Candidate then basically runs an ad claiming you should vote for him because...trans. 30 seconds of putting on make-up and not a word about real issues impacting the District.

I feel sorry for the voters who now have no viable candidate...but the fact that the Dems could not come up with any better option shows how far they have sunk.

His campaign ad...

I think if you can't win, then instead you run someone that is provocative so you can use the material gleaned from the reactions of the other side.

It's like when Wendy Davis suddenly became qualified to be Governor because of her abortion filibuster. All of a sudden they had a candidate who could attack the good old boys and make them out to be "barefoot and pregnant" types. I guess that's what you do when you got nothing else.
I think if you can't win, then instead you run someone that is provocative so you can use the material gleaned from the reactions of the other side.

It's like when Wendy Davis suddenly became qualified to be Governor because of her abortion filibuster. All of a sudden they had a candidate who could attack the good old boys and make them out to be "barefoot and pregnant" types. I guess that's what you do when you got nothing else.

This. The incumbent has held the seat for >20 years and was the author of a "failed bathroom bill". Not sure if the seat is vulnerable but his public stances have been very anti-LGBT.

The incumbent said this on American Family Radio:

"Danica clearly is out here doing this for making a marker in the national character that you can engage in this behavior - which clearly goes against the laws of nature and nature's God - and hold public office to make decisions on behalf of the common good," Marshall said. "That is what is kind of at stake here."

In the incumbents' mind, you can't be Trans and "hold public office to make decisions on behalf of the common good".
In the incumbents' mind, you can't be Trans and "hold public office to make decisions on behalf of the common good".

It might help if the trans candidate would actually adopt positions that benefit the District instead of running 30 second ads showing him putting on his make-up. His only argument to vote for him IS that he is trans.
It might help if the trans candidate would actually adopt positions that benefit the District instead of running 30 second ads showing him putting on his make-up. His only argument to vote for him IS that he is trans.

"And, oh by the way, I want you to pay for my drugs and surgeries .... thanks XXOO"
Intersectionality -
  1. the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
    "through an awareness of intersectionality, we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among us"

    Had to look it up. Sounds like a way to empower snowflakes to feel even more fragile and mistreated.
Treat others as you would have them treat you unless you're thinking self-imolation is a good idea these days... or wait... is that advocating suicide? :confused2:

I think that sociological discussions about things like interesectionality is for people who tried to analyze why George Harrison liked to play the Sitar while he was out getting laid. Yes, we are different. Even among white people. Big shock.

"The difference of race is one of the reasons why I fear war will always exist; because race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance."

Benjamin Disraeli

By the way, attending anti-abortion rallys just to get laid is not the only place where there are chicks... they are in church too... and don't think single men don't know or act upon that.
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This. The incumbent has held the seat for >20 years and was the author of a "failed bathroom bill". Not sure if the seat is vulnerable but his public stances have been very anti-LGBT.

The incumbent said this on American Family Radio:

In the incumbents' mind, you can't be Trans and "hold public office to make decisions on behalf of the common good".

You are very clever! Ha... yes, it can work on both sides of the aisle.
Intersectionality -
  1. the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
    "through an awareness of intersectionality, we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among us"

    Had to look it up. Sounds like a way to empower snowflakes to feel even more fragile and mistreated.

It's Marxism
So the $120 million flick Geostorm which opens this weekend is getting whacked at the box office. Sad!

The $25M "Boo 2: A Madea Halloween by Tyler Perry" has brought in $22M compared to Geo's $12M. It's true, a a comedy with a guy dressed as a fat woman is kicking the butt of dramatized Al-Gore-style-lecture about how all you deplorable people are destroying the planet.

Go figure.
Hollywood is in full denial of their self-sabotage due to Trump Derangement Syndrome. They keep doubling down only to get kicked in the teeth repeatedly.

An unfortunate new example I noticed recently is the EPIX series Berlin Station. The plot involves the ongoings of a CIA outpost located in Germany.

The first season was fairly entertaining and centered around the Muslim/ISIS fiasco. It was left leaning in the portrayal, but tolerably so as it showed good and bad sides of Muslims involved in the situation.

So season two started last weekend. Guess who's the new CIA station chief...a very bitter, worn out looking Ashley Judd of all people.

First episode was titled "Everything is Alt-Right". A decent international spy show was transformed around the most vocal Anti-Trump, bitter, feminist around and the 'raging' war against Alt-Right extremism. As if that's what U.S. intel agents in Germany are spending the bulk of their days combating. :rolleyes1:

Needless to say, never gonna watch that radical-Lib infested sh*tshow again. Might research who's involved behind the scenes to blacklist their other projects.

Let's not forget the recent Hollywood ads preaching gun control as they direct the audience to support Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety campaign.

These people just don't get it. Their actions carry the exact opposite of the King Midas effect. Can't wait for their vocal support for 2018 Lib candidates...gift that keeps on giving for MAGA. :smile1: :usflag:

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