Dumb Political Correctness

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day

So California has now decided to downgrade the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV/AIDS without informing him or her beforehand from a felony to a misdemeanor

In 2014, gay/bisexual men accounted for 2% of the U.S. population and 70% of the new hiv infections.

The Left probably sees the old law as discriminatory to gays. Better to condemn them to a life long drug regimen than discriminate against their rights to sleep around indiscriminately.

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day

Lie-awatha, the new face of Native Americans.

All us white folks are going to have to follow Liz's lead and do one of those ancestry DNA checks. It might turn up something useful you can use on the next job application or if you want to run for political office.
She shares a common story that a lot of Okies and decendents of Oklahomans share. We have a family history of native american heritage but no real proof. I'm a citizen of one Indian nation and have a similar heritage in another but, if your ancestors didn't sign up on the Dawes roll at the time, there is no way to prove it. At that time there were plenty of Indians that didn't sign up on the roll. Many were untrusting of the gubmit, many saw it as an extermination plan and many had already made a home outside of Indian Territory. The only thing I've seen her do wrong on this is to not let Harvard know that her heritage was not the kind that should see her being recognized as such. She did not receive any hiring preference.

Many celebrities are guilty of what she's done. For some reason they all claim that their grandmother had high cheekbones and their great great grandmother was an Indian princess. :)
The Law of Unintended Consequences?

"New Confederate monuments are still being built across the country — even in Union states"


"..... At least 50 smaller Confederate monuments have been built since 1990, including a bronze statue near a courthouse in Cleburne, Tex., and a tombstone-shaped monument on the grounds of a public elementary school in Prattville, Ala. Even Union states have them: Two Confederate monuments have been erected in Iowa in the past 12 years...."
..... The only thing I've seen her do wrong on this is to not let Harvard know that her heritage was not the kind that ....

People, of course, dug into her claim and the research exposed her as a fraud.
Harvard paid her $700,000 over 2-years to teach one class, while promoting her as a minority hire. Despite this puny teaching record, Harvard even continued to pay her after she quit.
Penn Law also paid her as their “Minority Law Teacher” (using the same bogus Native Am claim as Harvard)


An actual empowered woman
She kicked the Muslims out of Spain.
Discovered the new world for Spain and the rest of the civilized world.
Mexicans speak Spanish now due to her.

An actual empowered woman
She kicked the Muslims out of Spain.
Discovered the new world for Spain and the rest of the civilized world.
Mexicans speak Spanish now due to her.

Oh, so she was a white priviledged, islamophobic, colonialist! What a beyatch!
People, of course, dug into her claim and the research exposed her as a fraud.
Harvard paid her $700,000 over 2-years to teach one class, while promoting her as a minority hire. Despite this puny teaching record, Harvard even continued to pay her after she quit.
Penn Law also paid her as their “Minority Law Teacher” (using the same bogus Native Am claim as Harvard)



Interesting how in the Boston Globe article she railed about how little GE pays in taxes while students are racking up so much debt yet she conveniently ignores the wealth she and her husband racked up from Harvard as if it has no connection to student debt.
It's typical but you have to have a lot of balls to call out someone who can not only destroy you but has demonstrated he would do it for sport (sorry... quoted Jim Wright).

I think they are so used to lying and faking it, they have lost the concept of honesty and simply telling the truth.
I think they are so used to lying and faking it, they have lost the concept of honesty and simply telling the truth.

I've always thought that. It's a Machiavellian game (politics) of winning and losing and lying is just another tool. They are cynical about all of us and our short attention span. They know what they are doing. I'm not a Trump fan but I do believe many of his Tweets (which I think he should tone down) are not to be taken literally; I believe he is saying things from a purely tactical standpoint. He reminds me of someone I once worked for who mastered the art of upsetting everyone in the room (he was a developer, real estate dealer and owned a construction company) and keeping his own cool. He would laugh it off every time after the meeting was over. Tension was no problem for him. He knew 98.6% of us lose our focus when we are angry at someone. I didn't enjoy those meetings though. I think Trump does the same thing and all the while his agenda moves forward; whether you like it or not.

Everyone is allowed to have an opinion but most businesses with a high profile brand try to avoid controversy at all costs. If you want to be paid for attracting the most viewers then the price you must pay for making the big bucks and representing that desire for a brand that is neutral is to be neutral in your private life. If you wish to drag your employer down with you then it is not an outrage as Sharpton says. He wants ESPN to support her opinion and go down with the ship no matter her lack of a filter. It is easy for him to attack ESPN because not only does it not cost him any money, he probably makes money from his patrons. But he is dead-wrong to think that she should be able to attack the President as she did and to call for a boycott (despite her lame denial) of the Cowboys while her employer takes a financial hit directly due to her actions. That being said, I think this is the blow-back that ESPN signed up for because in my view they have clearly given the green light for political opinion in their name in the past. But now it's out of control.
.....That being said, I think this is the blow-back that ESPN signed up for because in my view they have clearly given the green light for political opinion in their name in the past. But now it's out of control.

I think NFL ownership is spilt over this. Roughly half support the kneeling, despite the fact it devalues their product and will eventually affect revenues. It's not that hard to figure out the half.

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