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However, I wish the Right didn't make it about the bathroom when they argue the issue. Talking about dudes going into the women's room is dumb. It's a very superficial angle to look at, and it's where the Right's case is the weakest.
The funny thing is it opens the door (no pun intended) to where their case is the strongest, but they don't use it. It usually stops at:
A: This would let men use the women's restroom for perverted reasons!
B: Nope, a transgender woman is not a man.
Instead of going onto:
A: But they are biologically the same sex. So if a biological XY person walks into the women's restroom, how does the law determine if this is a "man" or "transgender woman"?
B: It all depends on how they identify.
A: But that is not legal or scientific, it's personal. All we have is their word. Any man could just claim to identify as female.
B: But you can tell the difference because [list of societal gender-based stereotypes].
A: So gender stereotypes are suddenly key in how we determine someone's gender, instead of something our society needs to get rid of?