Dumb Political Correctness

I kinda wonder how the Woke will decide to approach "detransitioning" (if that's what we're going to call it). Will they view it as a personal choice and err on the side of autonomy, or will they view it more like how they view gays who try to change their orientation?
This has been a topic for at least three years now in some of the female- and lesbian-centric forums that I have frequented. On more than one occasion, the trans-contingent has claimed that such discussions were a violation of the Terms of Service and had accounts suspended or terminated.

Simply put, they HATE seeing this because it severely harms the assertion that it is a genetic thing as opposed to cosmetic in nature...never mind that so many of the vocal males in dresses never even HAVE surgery. The females taking testosterone, unfortunately, have often done irreparable damage to their bodies, especially if they had the bi-lateral mastectomies.

Those who have 'de-transitioned' have also shown up on some of the forums and discussed how they were shunned by the 'trans' community specifically for the decision to de-transition.
Note the hand motions when mocking Kerr. Same motions when he mocked the NYT reporter who happens to be disabled. TDS is a terrible disease.

The limits of intersectionality. Even if you're pretty high in the hierarchy (like a lesbian would be), you better not be nice to a conservative or even a moderate conservative like George W. Bush. Link.
The limits of intersectionality. Even if you're pretty high in the hierarchy (like a lesbian would be), you better not be nice to a conservative or even a moderate conservative like George W. Bush. Link.
Interestingly, the liberal mob who went after her is too stupid to realize they both dislike Trump, this why they are pals.

Her saying that everyone should get along even while disagreeing is BS and sanctimonious considering she told Megan Kelley she would never have Trump on her show since she would never be able to get him to change. So, F her, I'm glad she got a taste of what others get all the time from the liberal mob.

Clip attached as a reminder.

FWIW, 'getting along' does not obligate one to provide a pulpit...it does NOT preclude being able to sit side by side while drinking a beer or other adult beverage while living the suite life at JerrahWorld.
Interestingly, the liberal mob who went after her is too stupid to realize they both dislike Trump, this why they are pals.

Her saying that everyone should get along even while disagreeing is BS and sanctimonious considering she told Megan Kelley she would never have Trump on her show since she would never be able to get him to change. So, F her, I'm glad she got a taste of what others get all the time from the liberal mob.

Clip attached as a reminder.

Just in terms of kindness, I think there's a very stark difference between Bush (who's generally a decent guy) and Trump (who's an *******). I think Ellen's point is that she isn't going to be unfriendly to someone just because he disagrees with her on politics - not that she'll always kiss everybody's ***.

Furthermore, as mb correctly pointed out, being kind doesn't require one to give someone a platform
FWIW, 'getting along' does not obligate one to provide a pulpit...it does NOT preclude being able to sit side by side while drinking a beer or other adult beverage while living the suite life at JerrahWorld.
I'm willing to bet that if W wasn't a cry baby because Trump was mean to Jeb and hadn't spoken out against him, in contrast to how he refused to criticize Obama, she would not be pals with him. If he, in fact, supported Trump, I doubt she would be sitting with him.

Sorry, she is like every other liberal who won't have a discussion with someone she disagrees with because she assumes that person won't change. So, a person changing is why you give someone a "pulpit"? Not buying it. She's just a hypocrite.

I haven't, admittedly, checked, but did she back up Sandman, et al, when doxxed, threatened, etc.? Did she tell people to be kind and get along? If so, good for her, but I doubt it.
Just in terms of kindness, I think there's a very stark difference between Bush (who's generally a decent guy) and Trump (who's an *******). Furthermore, as mb correctly pointed out, being kind doesn't require one to give someone a platform
You say he's an *******. Everyone, with few exceptions, and only when they think they were done wrong, come out later and portray him negatively, says he is not how those people and the media portray him: an *******.

Have you met him?
"I think Ellen's point is that she isn't going to be unfriendly to someone just because he disagrees with her on politics"

did you watch the clip? That was as unfriendly as it gets.
You say he's an *******. Everyone, with few exceptions, and only when they think they were done wrong, come out later and portray him negatively, says he is not how those people and the media portray him: an *******.

Have you met him?

I just judge him based on what he says and how he publicly behaves. I think you have to be an ******* to publicly ridicule or attack people based on their looks or their ethnic heritage. I think you have to be an ******* to to bang a porn star when you have a pregnant wife at home. I could go on, but I think you get the point.
I just judge him based on what he says and how he publicly behaves. I think you have to be an ******* to publicly ridicule or attack people based on their looks or their ethnic heritage. I think you have to be an ******* to to bang a porn star when you have a pregnant wife at home. I could go on, but I think you get the point.
I think he trolls people with all that. He seems completely opposite of his rally and twitter persona at other times.

The porn star thing, if that was ever proven, I don't know is assholery for sure. Not sure that makes someone a permanent ******* theses days, but you get my point. :cool:
"I think Ellen's point is that she isn't going to be unfriendly to someone just because he disagrees with her on politics"

did you watch the clip? That was as unfriendly as it gets.

I did listen. I didn't say she would never be unfriendly to anybody. I said she wouldn't be unfriendly because of one's politics. She's not going to be unfriendly just because someone is a conservative.
I think he trolls people with all that. He seems completely opposite of his rally and twitter persona at other times.

Being a troll is someone synonymous with being an *******.

The porn star thing, if that was ever proven, I don't know is assholery for sure. Not sure that makes someone a permanent ******* theses days, but you get my point.

If your wife banged Ron Jeremy, I think you'd consider it an assholic thing to do.
Being a troll is someone synonymous with being an *******.

If your wife banged Ron Jeremy, I think you'd consider it an assholic thing to do.
Yes, I said what Trump allegedly did was assholic. I said that doesn't make him a permanent ******* to anyone other than the wife.

I'm not going to convince you or others he isn't an ******* and I probably won't be convinced he is.

So, that said...ou sucks.
I did listen. I didn't say she would never be unfriendly to anybody. I said she wouldn't be unfriendly because of one's politics. She's not going to be unfriendly just because someone is a conservative.
I think Trump is a special case. Some say that being angry towards Trump is a lifestyle choice.
I think assholic is a great word. Is the "o" pronounced "ah" or "owe"?

It is a good word. I've heard it pronounced both ways. However, the person who taught me the term was my uncle. He's an exceptional wordsmith (much more so than I), and he pronounced the "o" as "ah" - much like in "alcoholic."
I think Trump is a special case. Some say that being angry towards Trump is a lifestyle choice.

It's a choice just like hostility toward anyone is a choice. I also think there are complex angles on it. You can dislike Trump and support him because of his policy agenda. You can also like him but not support him because of his policy agenda, though I think few fit into that category.

I think most people who opposed Trump didn't do so because of his policy agenda. I think they opposed him because they didn't like him. They thought he was an ******* or a racist, sexist, etc. I think that's a dumb reason to oppose or support someone. I can honestly say that it wasn't what drove my vote. If he hadn't been a chaotic dumpster fire on foreign policy and entitlements, I would have voted for him, despite his assholery.

Trump acts like a prick and shouldn't even be in this discussion. However, that's all a diversion. The NBA's whoring around with one of the worst regimes on planet Earth while attacking one of its own GMs for having the balls to take the side of Hong Kong is indefensible.

It's a little like the stupid Käpernick thing. A dumbass does something stupid that only dumbasses support. Then Trump jumps into it and at least tries to out-dumbass the dumbass, and as a result a bunch of non-dumbasses now back the original dumbass's stupid actions because they don't like Trump and his dumbassery. But that's politics today.
We tried to send nice guys to the WH and got our brains beat in. The media and dems (but I repeat myself) called those nice guys nazis too. So it should be no surprise that we went with the *******, to use your words, since he could win whereas the nice guys did not.
Kerr and Pop are virtue signalers who are actually very shallow and don't even realize it. They opened their mouths because they hate Trump but failed to consider the global view of their words.
We tried to send nice guys to the WH and got our brains beat in. The media and dems (but I repeat myself) called those nice guys nazis too. So it should be no surprise that we went with the *******, to use your words, since he could win whereas the nice guys did not.
I've said it before. People for years have complained about politics as usual, which is PC and being nice and polite. This is why Trump was elected, and now people say they want the other guys back? It's comical.

Let's assume Trump is an a-hole. So what? He gets things done while being hamstrung in confirmations, etc., unlike past presidents.

Most think Saban is an a-hole but who cares? He wins. Same with Trump as far as I'm concerned.
Trump's a-holeness doesn't bother me per se but at times it is stupid as heck. I would have advised him to say he would enforce our immigration laws as is his sworn duty and leave it at that. He doesn't have to justify it. It's like trying to justify any of our laws. Why go into why we should arrest thieves? It's the law and the justification is no longer necessary. When you try to paint a negative picture of illegal immigrants in order to justify yourself then you've fallen into the trap. Just say, "I'm enforcing the law and if you don't like the law talk to Congress."

And even further, he should stress LOUDLY that he supports making dreams come true... if only he had the power.

I worked for a real estate developer for many years who was just like Trump. Combative and spoiling for a fight at all times. He was very comfortable in stressful situations and provoked people intentionally because as he told me, "Most people can't think straight when they hate you." He was a master at this.

Trump was in a knife-fight from day one and the Left can say it's because of who he is but as mentioned above, Bush was a super nice guy and was viciously attacked as being a Nazi, an idiot, privileged etc. So forget personalities. The Left will never accept anything except what they want. Nice guy. A-hole. Whatever. It doesn't matter.
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When I speak of global views, I mean will you bring your passion for your point of view into all situations? Do you hit the gas at all times or tap the brakes in a different context. If you are all about good and human rights then in theory you would never want to step foot in China much less bow down to them. If you act like an anarchist about immigration because of humanitarian reasons then what say you about China's policies? That is why I think Pop and Kerr are very shallow. Either be consistent or stick to sports and that is why people say stick to sports because it's obvious they are being political and not global.

I think the reason they say what they say about Trump and US politics is for one reason alone: Black players. They want to support them so they recklessly weigh in on social issues. I'm not saying black players are wrong. I'm saying Kerr and Pop aren't sincere. They have a huge conflict of interest. Just like they do in China. And we see how they react; in their own self-interest.
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I think assholic is a great word. Is the "o" pronounced "ah" or "owe"?

If pronounced ***-hole-ick, it would refer to acting like an ******* (e.g. Kayne West) If pronounced ***-hall-ick, it would refer to being a fanatic who loves asses (e.g. Sir Mix-A-Lot).

A dumbass does something stupid that only dumbasses support. Then Trump jumps into it and at least tries to out-dumbass the dumbass, and as a result a bunch of non-dumbasses now back the original dumbass's stupid actions because they don't like Trump and his dumbassery.

Took me a second to follow, but this is absolutely true.

I've said it before. People for years have complained about politics as usual, which is PC and being nice and polite. This is why Trump was elected, and now people say they want the other guys back? It's comical

It's not a dichotomy though. Being tired of one extreme does not make anyone a hypocrite for not wanting the opposite extreme either.

I think most people who opposed Trump didn't do so because of his policy agenda. I think they opposed him because they didn't like him. They thought he was an ******* or a racist, sexist, etc. I think that's a dumb reason to oppose or support someone.

Being selfish, an *******, etc, are valid reasons to oppose someone too. Long but worth it: https://www.nomachetejuggling.com/2019/06/03/dont-hire-********/ And essentially we need to stop thinking of the president as "running the country" in the first place. His bosses are us, we the people. And we hired an *******. It's like hiring Johnny Manziel as QB. Even if he had turned out to be an amazing pro passer, people would have gotten tired of his crap really quickly.

And even if you think of him as the leader - if you wouldn't stand the guy as a colleague or subordinate b/c he's such a raging jackass, why would you want him as your boss? If you think of it that way, it's the Dilbert Principle in action - the ******** move upward b/c nobody can stand being right beside them.

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