Dropping Health Insurance

Health costs and premiums have been going up. Hopefully healthcare reform will help some once it starts. Still not fond of our system to begin with and we would have been better scrapping it and starting over.
I concur Deez. I often disagree with PharmD, but I respect his opinions and his profession. He is more centrist than most everyone on this board in my opinion. Left to the center no doubt though....
The term is now used to refer to doctors, pharmacists, and pharmaceutical industry guys. Personally, I don't see it as derogatory although it is usually used derogatorily. Pills save more lives than surgical intervention. With vaccinations, antibiotics, and diabetic medications, it isn't even close.
Someone obviously has no idea of the education pharmacists go through now or the clinical work they do. Honestly, I trust my pharmacist more than I trust my doctor.

As for paying a decent wage, liberals should apply themselves through education and work to EARN a decent wage. Have you ever heard of personal accountability?
Ever heard the term "Everyday Low Prices?" There is a reason for that, they keep the wages they pay down. Take a look around the next time you're in WalMart, all the employees are lazy liberals anyway, and they're going to piss their money off anyway. Just like the always have.

As for

In reply to:

Brotha, Brotha - you know that a decent wage means you can afford everything your little heart desires! Big flatscreen, multiple cell phones, iPads, fancy cars, etc. I realize now that I was raised a poor, deprived child. Both my parents were teachers. We never bought a new car. We didn't eat out much. We never got more than our parents could afford. They sent four kids to UT without a single loan or grant. We all worked while we were in college. And yet we all turned out pretty well (except my brother who is a raving liberal now.) I think that the values I was raised by have gone by the wayside. The attitude now is that if I can't afford something then the government owes it to me. When our economy collapses because there are more takers than taxpayers, there are a lot of people who will have a rude dose of reality.
I just got my first commission check for the new year.

Understand the SS increase.

Get that, didn't need that 3 years ago.

I thought and looked at my HC, yea that almost doubled.

Thanks, Senator Kennedy and President Obama!!!!

Love the liberals, can't ask for anything else, you guys rock, can I change my vote now? Ow wait,,,,,,,,,

I didn't vote for you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

all you love *******, thanks!!!!!!!!

Money given to the Federal govenment or other people must love what that is going to do with less than $199/month going into the economy multiplied by how many working people in this country?

Talk about Revolution,,,,,,,time is now!

TEXAS Secede!!!!

At least Rick is trying to give us money back and hire more teachers that teach something that matters.
Perhaps they could not do that now, but my brother has. His 4th is a junior. The three older ones have been educated without student loans. They were all given 4 years to graduate. Period. The third failed a course which made him take an extra year. He has a good job, but must live at home until he pays back every dime of that last year. It's called accountability and responsibility, two virtues which seem sadly lacking today.
No offense DOC, just defending the profession as more than pill counters or pushers. I know the education is much longer and more strenuous for a MD.

And just like every profession, some doctors are just not that good.
CBO today - 7-8 million people will lose their current insurance. But wait! BO promised that if you like your current insurance and doctor you can keep them. Anyone who believed him is a fool. And we're all going to be screwed. A friend who is on Medicare was told by her doctor to get anything she needed (specifically cataract surgery) done before 2014, because her copay is expected to skyrocket then. I am furious at the people in this country who believe the talking head with the TelePrompTer.

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