Pretty decent thread. I tend to lean more with Deez. I alos think Slugga makes some good points but I disagree with his final analysis.
It seems the general theme from Slugga and 2003 is that ME terrorists target the US due to the fact that the US has meddled in ME affairs for decades. I say the answer to this is yes and no, but it is not nearly as black and white as some would have us believe.
First, over the years the US has made foreign policy decisions in the ME baed on the long term interests of the US. That is what foreign policy is supposed to do. There is no question that the US been in bed with some pretty bad men and regimes. The US did it because it was believed to be in our best interest. Certainly, in hindsight some decisions were worse than others. But, especially in talking about the last 50-60 years, the issue has not solely been oil. There was a ton of policy crafted in the ME during the Cold War and our issues with the Soviets. I don't think even the most critical attacjers of US ME foreign policy would argue that if the US has remained completely removed from all things ME and all things international that the Soviet Union would have eventually succeded in invading and occupying the ME and gaining an almost insurmountable upper hand in dealing with the US.
From a broad prospective, the ME is like a lot of places in that they only consider meddling to be bad if they think it is not in their personal best interest. The ME was perfectly happy to let the US "meddle" with the Afghans when they were fighting the Soviets. The rest of the ME absolutely knew they were in big, big trouble if there wasn't anyone to stop the Soviets from running over them. Certainly OBL didnt mind the meddling.
Of course, there is other meddling that they didnt like because it kept certain regimes in power and kept others out. But, again, you can't really be happy to have meddling when you want it and then cry foul when you don't.
When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the ME, as a group, were perfectly happy to have the US "meddle" in their affairs. There was no cry from the masses that the US should get out. They knew, just like they knew about the Soviets, that if Saddam got Kuwait and increased his power and might that Iran or Saudi or all the rest were next on his list. They were happy that the US led forces forced Saddam back.
But, as usual with the ME, when the threat of Iraq was quelled, they wanted the US to go home and not "meddle" anymore. It doesnt work like that. The US wanted pay back. That is netiher right or wrong, it just is.
So, OBL and by extension AQ, were happy to receive our help when it served their interests, but unhappy when it didnt. Post say 1988-99 what "meddling" did the US do in the ME that would have provoked AQ? No one can know for sure, but my strong feeling is that it all came down to Israel.
I absolutely do not want a thread on Israel. Talk about a complex issue. But, if US support of Israel is justification for terror against the US then we just better be ready because the US will never fail to support Israel.
Reagrding terrorism, I am of the opinion that ME terrorism really has nothing to do with making any kind of political statement. I think people like OBL enjoyed being fighters and leading the type of lives they led. They are able to recruit other folks that like the lifestyle. The US is always an easy target. We **** up a lot, we live well and we won wars. OBL used the US as an easy target to continue to raise money and recruit people so that he could continue his lifestyle. No doubt there were some involved that believed they were in it for a higher cause, but those folks are easy to find and easily manipulated- especially by religion. There has been so much more blood shed by Arab vs Arab violence than anything the US has done. Yet if you believe certain people, if an Arab kills a young boys father he is going to accept it and move on but if an American is responsible for his fathers death, then he is going to turn into a martyr and swear jihad on America.
Its just dumb. terrorsists enjoy being terrorists and they absolutely need a bogeyman to keep their operations going or their own people will eventually snuff them out. We could remove all of military from the ME tomorrow and withold all funding to the ME tomorrow but if we did all that and contiued to support Israel, the attacks would continue. And, again, we are never going to stop supporting Israel. So if meddling now is in the US best interest, we should probably keep right on meddling. The terror attacks arent going to stop until we bail on Israel.
Slugga brought up Nicaragua and it is similat situation. The US supported the Somozas for a long time and the Somozas were not good people. We mad a deal with the devil we knew vs the one we didnt. Arguments that it was wrong to do that are perfectly acceptable. Again, those decisions are complex and sometimes they dont work out as planned. One note (and Slugga I dont think you were making this argument) it was a touch ironic that the Sandinistas went to the International Comunity to complain about US aid to the Contras when the revolution that provided the Sandinistas their power was largely funded by Cuba/USSR. Again, it is all about self interest.
Bringing it back to the OP, it is incredibly ironic and hypocritical for a terrorist organization to condemn any type of action/retrobution as "inhumane".