Drew Brees

If you have something to say that would hurt your friends, you probably should keep keep it to yourselves. Unfortunately, Brees friends have been taught to by the media to be a bit highly sensitive to just about everything.
We'll probably need a "full on" World War to give everyone perspective again and get everyone off the "I'm triggered" movement.
Either that or split the country by party affiliation.
If DB would have only held out a few more days, he would have had Jim Brown on his side. I'd like to see them extract an apology from him.
I liked Drew Brees and his wife’s response. He added nuance and did it in the right way. Class act. I respect Drew Brees, a lot. I had some awful things happen to me when my Mfg company was located in LA. I have never found the nerve to tell you guys about all that. I closed that plant and moved the business back to Texas. I now understand the plight of African Americans in poor minority communities. I hired close to 200 young black men and keep up with a few of them. One was at high risk of throwing his life away and I tried to help him. He’s off drugs now. I’m more proud of helping him and other employees than many other things we did there. LA is more racially charged than Texas. There are still plantations over there not far from where my plant was. I have nothing but respect for the black community. I hope they realize the Lincoln Republican’s are a better party for them.
I just really saw their pain. You have to live it with them to understand. I’ll never own a business in LA again. If you give a black person a chance to befriend you they are loyal good people. They respect our friendship when it’s real.
I’m not condoning riots or violence.
Brees is a good dude, but got caught up in this woke movement. Capitulation is only contributing to the insanity.
And capitulation is never the answer.

I don’t live in Brees’ shoes so I cannot really judge him. But here are some things I believe to be true:

If we can’t honor our flag then what’s next? Do we change it? And if we do, what flag should we use, perhaps the BLM flag? I’m not being facetious.

Do we change the National Anthem? After all, wouldn't that be next? Again, I’m not trying to be funny.

George Washington was an imperfect man. That offends a growing number of people. Do we tear down his memorial and rename our nation’s capital? Perhaps Sharpton DC?

Maybe we need to disavow our entire past because, increasingly, it offends more and more people. Let’s eliminate our past. Who needs it? Again, I’m being dead serious.

All of this either already has been or it will be discussed.

If folks in high profile positions don’t make a stand and take a position, our entire history has the potential of being erased. It’s happened throughout history and we are not trending in a good direction here.

Again, I don’t live in Brees shoes, and I’m glad that I don’t. But I suspect that on some level he understands that the precedent he set is not a good one.
I hate to bring this up but my wife reminded me last night and I believe it is relevant...
A year or two ago, DB appeared in a brief promotional spot promoting courage for young people of faith in their schools, etc.
Soon afterward, he was attacked by various groups for supporting a "hate group" (lol). He then backed away publicly, apologized, and stated he wasn't aware they were a hate group and did not support them.
Here are details on his part in the brief promotional piece:

Begin quote...
The controversy began when the New Orleans Saints star appeared in a promotional video for "Bring Your Bible to School Day" last week.

In the video, which was posted to a YouTube channel named "Bring Your Bible," Brees said, "One of my favorite verses in the Bible is 2 Corinthians 5:7: 'For we live by faith, not by sight. So I want to encourage you to live out your faith on Bring Your Bible to School Day and share God's love with friends. You're not alone."
END quote

I know Drew Brees is outspoken about his faith so it is unlikely he didnt mean what he said in his piece, so either he was biting on the "hate group" kool aid or he was acting disingenuously.

These instances appear similar and you can deduce what you wish
And capitulation is never the answer.

I don’t live in Brees’ shoes so I cannot really judge him. But here are some things I believe to be true:

If we can’t honor our flag then what’s next? Do we change it? And if we do, what flag should we use, perhaps the BLM flag? I’m not being facetious.

Do we change the National Anthem? After all, wouldn't that be next? Again, I’m not trying to be funny.

George Washington was an imperfect man. That offends a growing number of people. Do we tear down his memorial and rename our nation’s capital? Perhaps Sharpton DC?

Maybe we need to disavow our entire past because, increasingly, it offends more and more people. Let’s eliminate our past. Who needs it? Again, I’m being dead serious.

All of this either already has been or it will be discussed.

If folks in high profile positions don’t make a stand and take a position, our entire history has the potential of being erased. It’s happened throughout history and we are not trending in a good direction here.

Again, I don’t live in Brees shoes, and I’m glad that I don’t. But I suspect that on some level he understands that the precedent he set is not a good one.

Capitulation is not the answer, but compromise is at least part of it.

There will always be people at the fringes who demand extreme things. Abandoning the US flag or removing statutes of George Washington are good examples. The vast majority of people do not support these things.

But that is a far cry from much more modest steps that have been resisted for too long. For example, anything honoring John Calhoun is a disgrace. His place in history was secured almost exclusively by his outspoken and uncompromising support for slavery. Without that issue, he'd be a tiny footnote in history. So why do we continue to use his name for university buildings, high schools, counties, etc.?

Another example is the confederate flag. For over a century, that flag was proudly waved in support of slavery, lynchings, segregation, etc. "It's my heritage" is not nearly strong enough of a reason to continue using that symbol in any official way.

So long as one side refuses to compromise on these common-sense issues, the extreme proposals on the other side will gather more and more supporters.
I hate to bring this up but my wife reminded me last night and I believe it is relevant...
A year or two ago, DB appeared in a brief promotional spot promoting courage for young people of faith in their schools, etc.
Soon afterward, he was attacked by various groups for supporting a "hate group" (lol). He then backed away publicly, apologized, and stated he wasn't aware they were a hate group and did not support them.
Here are details on his part in the brief promotional piece:

Begin quote...
The controversy began when the New Orleans Saints star appeared in a promotional video for "Bring Your Bible to School Day" last week.

In the video, which was posted to a YouTube channel named "Bring Your Bible," Brees said, "One of my favorite verses in the Bible is 2 Corinthians 5:7: 'For we live by faith, not by sight. So I want to encourage you to live out your faith on Bring Your Bible to School Day and share God's love with friends. You're not alone."
END quote

I know Drew Brees is outspoken about his faith so it is unlikely he didnt mean what he said in his piece, so either he was biting on the "hate group" kool aid or he was acting disingenuously.

These instances appear similar and you can deduce what you wish

Different topics but I can see why people would think it's similar. It's Brees backing off of a semi-mainstream conservative thought to be more inclusive.

There was zero wrong with what Brees said in the promo, but Focus on the Family was at the forefront of the reparative/conversion therapy until about 2013 or so. And my guess is that they still have plenty of donors/members who feel that way.

Call it capitulation all you want... I just think Brees is a good dude who says what he means and then understands why what he meant (or in the FotF case, who sponsored it) could affect other people negatively. Not everyone goes into in-depth research before a camera is dropped in front of them for a one-liner, which is how I believe the Yahoo interview went.
I just really saw their pain. You have to live it with them to understand. I’ll never own a business in LA again. If you give a black person a chance to befriend you they are loyal good people. They respect our friendship when it’s real.
I’m not condoning riots or violence.

Thought I would expand on this. In 2018, I shut down my plant in LA 50 miles from NOLA and laid off 14 employees at the time. I was voted out by a City Council group in a Black Community, from expanding my facility. Then I was sued repeatedly. There were about 10 newspaper articles about it over there, countless posts. It was totally unfair to me and my family. Cost me multi millions, who knows if I will ever recover. I was just expanding and adding jobs to the Black Community. Drew Brees was just respecting the Flag and what it meant to his Country. However, we collectively have hurt the Black Community in alot of ways which I should not get into. I think Drew Brees knows what I learned years ago, that there is generations of history and pain to the US Civil Rights movement and our culture cannot possibly understand it all. We just have to love them through this and treat them like neighbors, freinds, coworkers, etc. I would never kneel during the Anthem, but I do see where they come from since I worked with alot of them in LA like Drew Brees has done for years now. In terms of race relations, we are in this with Black Americans together. White People need to get more involved in breaking down barriers and not isolating the poor or downtrodden in our communities. I am NOT talking about White Guilt. I am talking about doing the right thing! My wife and I are going to serve more at Houston Food Bank. We need to reach out to these less fortunate communities and not just isolate them.
Certainly the anarchists and communists are seeing this as an opportunity to disrupt the narrative. And as their behavior indicates, they are not the classic liberals who revere freedom of expression. Between hostility on the left and right to free expression of nuanced ideas ... I can't help but be a little worried about the future of the Republic.
Capitulation is not the answer, but compromise is at least part of it.

There will always be people at the fringes who demand extreme things. Abandoning the US flag or removing statutes of George Washington are good examples. The vast majority of people do not support these things.

But that is a far cry from much more modest steps that have been resisted for too long. For example, anything honoring John Calhoun is a disgrace. His place in history was secured almost exclusively by his outspoken and uncompromising support for slavery. Without that issue, he'd be a tiny footnote in history. So why do we continue to use his name for university buildings, high schools, counties, etc.?

Another example is the confederate flag. For over a century, that flag was proudly waved in support of slavery, lynchings, segregation, etc. "It's my heritage" is not nearly strong enough of a reason to continue using that symbol in any official way.

So long as one side refuses to compromise on these common-sense issues, the extreme proposals on the other side will gather more and more supporters.
Nj, I appreciate your measured perspective. But, I believe that this movement has more momentum and is much more dangerous than what you appear to believe.

These fringe elements are gaining steam, fast. They are attempting to coerce all levels of our society. If you are BOA, L’Oréal, Chase, Pepsi, the NFL, you name it ...and don't go along, they will crush you, obsess to destroy your business and threaten to kill you. Think about that for a moment.

It seems like classic Fascism, but coming from the far Left. They now have virtually all of one party “literally” bowing to them. And they have much of the media in their hands. They are attempting to shut down free speech through aggressive intimidation.

Scary effing times.

Standing up today takes enormous courage. Not standing up to this mob could destroy our country.
Saw a tweet (forwarded email) that said Seattle via an Antifa group, had set up an autonomous zone. Can this be true?
Saw a tweet (forwarded email) that said Seattle via an Antifa group, had set up an autonomous zone. Can this be true?
Yes. And it was tried once before but was shutdown as it became drug and disease infected.
Certainly the anarchists and communists are seeing this as an opportunity to disrupt the narrative. And as their behavior indicates, they are not the classic liberals who revere freedom of expression.

The classic liberal who reveres freedom of expression is fast becoming a dying breed within the Democratic Party. I think older Democrats (over 40) are still largely believers in free speech. However, the "speech is violence" (but assault and arson sometimes aren't) movement that has been taking root in academia for the last several years is changing things for the worse. Younger Democrats probably wouldn't say they reject free speech altogether, but they certainly revere it far less. It won't be long before Democratic politicians have to start pandering to that movement.
Different topics but I can see why people would think it's similar. It's Brees backing off of a semi-mainstream conservative thought to be more inclusive.

There was zero wrong with what Brees said in the promo, but Focus on the Family was at the forefront of the reparative/conversion therapy until about 2013 or so. And my guess is that they still have plenty of donors/members who feel that way.

Call it capitulation all you want... I just think Brees is a good dude who says what he means and then understands why what he meant (or in the FotF case, who sponsored it) could affect other people negatively. Not everyone goes into in-depth research before a camera is dropped in front of them for a one-liner, which is how I believe the Yahoo interview went.

The classic liberal who reveres freedom of expression is fast becoming a dying breed within the Democratic Party. I think older Democrats (over 40) are still largely believers in free speech. However, the "speech is violence" (but assault and arson sometimes aren't) movement that has been taking root in academia for the last several years is changing things for the worse. Younger Democrats probably wouldn't say they reject free speech altogether, but they certainly revere it far less. It won't be long before Democratic politicians have to start pandering to that movement.
Perfect timing...
I was just about to bring this up in relation to DB and his AFR promo a while back...

AFR is certainly not a "hate group." That would require the organization to be comprised of hateful (hate-filled) people and it isn't. Holding a view contrary to another in no way makes you hateful and this trend in our country where some want to assert this is both disturbing and dangerous for the future of all who desire to be allowed to hold any view outside of the chosen acceptable ones.
Unlike Brees, Terry Crews (my avatar) isn't apologizing for acknowledging that "black supremacy" can be a real thing. Link.

By the way, if you don't follow Crews, you should. He's one of the few truly decent and free-thinking people in Hollywood, and he's funny as hell.
Communist tyrants always want conformity of thought. If you don't agree with their politics you aren't allowed to own a house, keep your job, publish literature, take a breath of air.

Keep giving and they will keep taking.
In another forum I weighed on a thread where 3 pretty white girls were sporting swastika looking figures drawn or painted on their shoulder blades. Basically half if the people on the thread were advocating that the girls be thrown out of college and worse. Sensing an opening for sarcasm I posted "The Nazis had harsh punishment for non-conforming ideas, why shouldn't we? " I got several agrees. Alas nobody offered: "Because we're not Nazis."

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