Dr Pepper Halftime Contest


2,500+ Posts
embarassing that NONE of the contestants throw a football like a QB. I would make the winner anyone who throws one through the target like a QB. #IDrinkCocaCola
Even in my advanced years, I beieve I could win that contest throwing it like a football, not like a shovel pass to Brett Robin.
U shouldn’t win $100k if u throw like a girl
It matters not one whit HOW the results are obtained so long as results ARE obtained...and if in doubt, ask Rick Barry (different sport but same notion).

I am more appalled by people too lazy to spell out words in a sentence. This isn't a text where you were limited to 140 characters and chose to spell like a moron...
Rick Barry led the NBA in free throw shooting for seven years and is the fourth best in NBA history. In the 50's that under hand motion was the way I was taught.