Don't resist, run or disobey

Ok my apologies. Uncalled for. I will support the police, even ones that make honest mistakes especially when put in uncalled for situations like McKinney. As originally posted, don't run, don't resist and don't disobey...

However, Arne Duncan estimates that 82% of public schools are failing. Not sure why I would not trust Obama's Education Secretary and my personal experience, but I defer to you as an educator as an expert. I do not blame teachers - I blame bad parenting like the ones who allowed their kids to throw the party or attend the party.
I agree with the Obama Admin on one point: police officers should have cameras mounted on them.

I would guess that would support the officers claims and be used against the criminals 98% or so of the time. It could also potentially curb questionable behavior by the officers as they know they were being recorded.

And a little bit off topic: this country doesn't have a problem with police chases. We have problems with criminals evading. Any driver that flees a police car should be charged with multiple attempts of manslaughter (or something close to that).
Section 8-P should include a pool pass.(as applicable in any given scenario to fix whatever ails us because who doesn't like a nice, relaxing, day at the pool listening to the soothing tunes with the kind bud)

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