DOGE targets


1,000+ Posts
I've already posted how I believe DOGE is currently just a circus act claiming substantially more wins than what it is really delivering, but assuming DOGE is legit, I would love to see them do a profile on each of our legislators and their net worth when they started vs. their net worth now. ( And I do mean ALL, Dem and GOP)

I don't want to see just their bottom line then vs. now, but I want to see the transactions completed each year and the investment made for profit returned. I want the dirty money to be fully documented. Who sold what to whom, and who bought what.

Our government is full of institutional corruption and FWA. Most of this institutional rot is because someone is getting a kickback of personal rot. If we illuminate and cure the personal rot, then maybe we have a chance to cure the institutional rot.

Show me the paper trails.

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