With all due respect, I find it incredible that people accept being played. Saying that everybody has bias and therefore it is acceptable to have 7 active AD’s on the selection committee is about the same as saying that it is ok for elected officials to take a little money under the table because they all do that. So Beamer’s son is on the OU staff? You just told us OU gets two votes.
The selection process is opened to criticism, at best. So why in the hell add to the distrust by doing something so stupid as having people whose career is based on the success of their athletic programs involved in a decision making process that gives their football team an opportunity for a bu- - - hit MNC. Or, blocks their rivals of the opportunity. Their recusal process is a front. The “good old boys club” offers plenty of opportunity for lobbying the group.
There is a lot of dinero involved here, not to mention the “leg up” on recruiting. This is business. Big business! If this crapshoot continues I would hope that someday soon a school will miss out on the “big dance” invitation and take the committee to court. I am no lawyer, and hate frivolous suits, but lawsuits for everything else pop up every day. Why not lost revenue/opportunity due to a screw job by the committee. Perhaps then we get a playoff.
Get rid of the damn committee members with a direct connection, and family members with a direct connection, to a D-1 school. If they fear a real playoff because they want to maximize the payday, at least remove as many elements of doubt and avenues of corruption as possible. In all of my years of business I removed myself from situations that could lead to problems down the road. That was good business; something academia, to include athletics, maybe can’t understand. This committee member selection process is dumb. Real dumb!