We feel quite strongly about this. Texans do not want to be represented by a people who pride themselves in being fighting farmers and dressing in military clothing not for the military, but simply to take dramatically homosexual pictures of themselves yelling at each other and doing naked pushups. Texans do not want to be represented by a glorified high school with a drunk-*** football coach in a town that smells like cow ****. Texans don't want to be represented by the completely inane and meaningless Baptist Bears who finally gave into their flapper desires to allow dancing, but play football like sixth grade girls. And I'm embarrased for you in your contention that Texans might in some way want to be represented by places like North Texas, UTD, Rice, SMU, etc.
Texans want to be represented by academic power (check). Texans want to be represented by athletic dominance (check). Texans want to be represented by ridiculous sums of money and unmatched enormity (check). Texans want to be represented by rich tradition and glorious history (check). Texans want to be represented by overpowering confidence and complete and total superiority (check). Texans want to be represented by The Univeristy of Texas, and that, my foreign friend, lies in one place and one place only: in the middle of Austin between MLK and 26th.
Of course, my foot will represent itself in in your *** if you disagree.