Does the University of Texas Have One of the Least Obnoxious Fan Bases?

Frost will make nu better but not enough to stay with the big dogs in the big 10. The point is the big 8 easy days are over and never will return. nu and aggy were going to leave anyway no matter what, LHN or not. When aggy and nu lose they tend to make excuses, conspiracies and not give credit or respect especially towards UT.
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Nebraska couldn't get anything done; they were rejected at every turn. The administrations at Texas & OU thought "Nebraska brings nothing the table". (No offense, Seattle, but that is a direct, face-to-face quote.) It was preparation for a TV contract. Again, a direct, face-to-face quote, "There are more TVs in Harris County than the entire state of Nebraska".

The Big XII Conference was The Deloss Dodds Conference. He originated it. He created it. He ran it. The only thing Deloss caved on was basketball tournament was not in Dallas. OU & Dr Boren went along with anything he wanted. (Didn't hurt that Deloss got Donnie Duncan out of Oklahoma.)

The push against partial qualifiers was Texas and Missouri, with the latter being more adamant than we were
Nebraska wanted it rotated between Dallas and KC. I think it was the first few years until UT said Dallas every year.

That's not exactly true. The only reason the game ended up in Dallas for the last two go-arounds before the conference imploded was a scheduling conflict with Arrowhead the year that OU beat NU in JerryWorld (after our 1-second added back on game).

NU wanted it in KC in even-numbered years and then the South Division schools capitulated that it would go to "some site in Texas" to rotate between San Antonio, Houston, and Texas Stadium (eventually JerryWorld). I can't find a Lexus Nexus article about it, but the deal was made around the time that KSU thumped OU in the championship surprise. It was just a freak coincidence that there was a concert or something scheduled way in advance for Arrowhead in 2010.

The current deal has it at JerryWorld through this year (2 in a row again). The Kansas schools and ISU have once again declared their preference for Arrowhead, so we'll probably see negotiations this year about potential rotations.
Why the hell agree to play it outdoors in December?

For that matter, why the hell play it at all. Only a complete blithering idiot cannot understand that it is everything to lose and nothing to gain. Oh, wait; Bowelsby is still the Big XII commissioner; that explains why we have one.
The PQ thing was an 11-1 vote, so it's pretty obvious the whole conference was tired of its use by NU.

I recognize that but I firmly believe that vote was intended to pull Nebraska back to the field rather for academic reasons. Still, it is what it is and the PQ's were going away whether the B12 quashed them or the NCAA eliminated them.
I recognize that but I firmly believe that vote was intended to pull Nebraska back to the field rather for academic reasons. Still, it is what it is and the PQ's were going away whether the B12 quashed them or the NCAA eliminated them.
The move from the big 8 to a tougher conference is what pulled nu back to the field.
Nebraska wanted it rotated between Dallas and KC. I think it was the first few years until UT said Dallas every year. We also wanted our annual OU game to remain but were outvoted. I do blame OU for that in that they went along with UT.

Not embarassed in the slightest with the PQs. The statistics at the time showed they graduated at higher rates than JUCO players. The difference was that Kansas and Texas had established Junior Colleges. Nebraska did not. If the goal was truly academic progress Nebraska had a model that was better than the JUCO route but alas it would have ended with NCAA rules. At the time, the B12 has stricter rules than everyone else and it was a clear attempt to pull Nebraska back to the pack. Yeah...I'm still a little bitter as Nebraska has many success stories with PQs.

Thanks Seattle for the insight on PQ. Did not hear about its success but i believe you FWIW.
Regarding the rest of the Nebraska grievences I am more skeptical. I don't doubt they are repeated often by NU fans but when the BIG 12 was started NU and Colorado were the BIG DOGS. When they left many questioned if Colorado even wanted to play football anymore and NU had a remarkable record v UT.
I wish the Big 12 were still around, but i still do not understand how 4 big state schools could not get 3 other schools in the Big 12 to go their way to fight off Texas who was doing the other 11 so wrong. Does not make sense and I just don't believe the excuses. I also think the reason this old story won't die is because NU CU MO are less relevant in all sports particularly football and Aggie needs to argue getting beat by LSU every year is better than watching the Longhorn Network. In the SEC aggie can do both.
Thanks Seattle for the insight on PQ. Did not hear about its success but i believe you FWIW.
Regarding the rest of the Nebraska grievences I am more skeptical. I don't doubt they are repeated often by NU fans but when the BIG 12 was started NU and Colorado were the BIG DOGS. When they left many questioned if Colorado even wanted to play football anymore and NU had a remarkable record v UT.
I wish the Big 12 were still around, but i still do not understand how 4 big state schools could not get 3 other schools in the Big 12 to go their way to fight off Texas who was doing the other 11 so wrong. Does not make sense and I just don't believe the excuses. I also think the reason this old story won't die is because NU CU MO are less relevant in all sports particularly football and Aggie needs to argue getting beat by LSU every year is better than watching the Longhorn Network. In the SEC aggie can do both.
aggy loses a lot more than to lsu. Lose enough and that sec shine wears off. agroid has 1 or 2 wins against the big dogs, just like while in the big 12.
Young Aggies aren't even aware that the Aggies once signed a contract to play LSU in Baton Rouge for ten years in a row. They have been LSU's ***** for a long time, with the exception of RC "kidnapping" Johhny Hector, and that was more our loss than LSU's. Stovall humped the puppy on that one.
Young Aggies aren't even aware that the Aggies once signed a contract to play LSU in Baton Rouge for ten years in a row. They have been LSU's ***** for a long time, with the exception of RC "kidnapping" Johhny Hector, and that was more our loss than LSU's. Stovall humped the puppy on that one.
but now they are on the hook to play LSU annually until the $EC dissolves.
Unfortunately, that means the students who do get in to the school today (it's capped at Top 6% where I live) aren't typically the hyper sports fans. Our student base looks a lot more like Cal-Berkeley than it used to, which is great for academia but not as much for crazyass football fans.

Couldn't agree anymore. There are exceptions, but most of our student fan base doesn't pass the eyeball test if you catch my drift. It seems like they'd rather be doing something else sadly.
I think we all enjoyed their usual crushing of aggy hopes and dreams and who they were most amped up for.

We mostly enjoyed them beating ag with inferior teams. Hell, that was Spike's calling card.

I remember the day we beat UVA in 1995 on the final play FG, Tech beat ag 14-7 on a walk-in interception touchdown in the final minute. My pager kept going off from a Tech buddy of mine that was at the game.
