Does Perry Want to Dumb Down UT?

I think there is a place for the $10K bachelor's college degree, but it's not Austin. College Station or even Lubbock.
I do not care for Perry, but tuition is too high at Texas (my youngest graduated in 2011). The kids in the top ten percent
that go to Texas are the best in the state and will do great whether they pay 10,000 or 46,000.
To say Powers and Texas cannot cut costs and apply revenue properly is ridiculous. I believe in research and getting the kids attending, in the short time they are at UT,excellent professors and learning experience using critical thinking. Powers cut professors while maintaining an elementary school and a diversity dept that cost millions.
I do not give Powers a pass, he is not being held accountable for costs or bad decisions. I also do not believe part of the tution a student pays should be subsidizing other students. We recieved email after tuition was paid each semester letting us know how much of our money went to another student. The socilazed tuition element should be the first thing to go to cut to lower tuition. The idea that one student would have to pay the tuition for another student is absurd, especially if paid by a loan either student could aquire. The lege/Perry/ regents should push for that change to lower tuition.
Yes, more public money should be used to lower tuition at Texas, and, No, Powers should not be able spend money like a drunken sailor on any whim he may have. I do not like Perry or his ideas and do not like the way Powers has administered this University. This is not an either/or situation.
Very well said, IDH. The whole premise of those who criticize the state is that the costs incurred by the system are just and reasonable. Considering that they've boosted their costs by almost 500 percent, i think it's pretty fair to call the reasonableness of the costs into question.

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