Documentary on Polanski's sex scandal

Well then apologies SL.

I am not after you or trying to bait you.

I posted in honest response to what I read.

I made my opinions known and can respect someone else's.

Enjoy the documentary.
Thanks for the post, TexasDan.

Here are some excerpts from your other posts:

"If you think 13 year old children are capable of consent to physical/sexual relationships with adults, then you need help.

Just FYI. This may not be an argument you want to have with a father of young daughters in person."

"Wow, hollywood is really your demagogue."

"But you keep staying 'neutral' and fighting the ignorant fight."

"Your justification comes in the form of using the academy award and the various actors/actresses he's worked with as justification of an alternative point of view."

"But color me mad and unaccepting of other views if you wish. Whatever makes you feel good."

Do you understand how reading some of these comments in your post could make it seem like you were "after me"/"baiting me" and that you didn't have all that much respect for my opinions whatsoever?

Which is okay. I like polemic discussions. My only problem was, I didn't really feel like I was defending Polanski or his actions, just recalling an account I'd read 15 years ago or so, and indicating an interest in seeing the documentary. Much of my interest is because plenty of people do seem to find his actions defendable. I'd like to know more about why they do.
Again, I'm not bothered by confrontation. Frankly, I thrive on it.

My problem was you attempting to lecture me regarding 40+ year old men having sex with 13 year olds, when I wasn't defending the practice.
SL I'm not looking to get into the argument here, but, since you claim to be pretty interested in the case, I think you should at least read the court transcript of the girls testimony. Now you can take the testimony any way you want to (for example you could think she's lying, or you can point to how not-innocent she was having take drugs, drunken alcohol and having had sex in the past as proof of the situation's murkiness), but you should at least attempt to look at both sides before saying things like it was "definitely consensual".
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