Do you know where you stand with Obamacare?

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July 1st... 6 mo. to go.
Called UnitedHealthCare about our "Golden Rule" HSA account. What to expect? What are the ballpark parameters on that? What can we expect?

UHC is a major carrier/provider. Both in Texas and elsewhere. You'd think they know and have something to say. Even ballpark consideration on where this level of coverage fits with prior (previously existing insurees) going into 2014... age, family, residence, etc.

The lady I spoke with was very well trained to politely listen.

With nothing at all to say.

THIS is where we are with the Affordable HealthCare Act.

I don't even have a general idea where HSA's fall, under a Texas resident prior coverage policy with UHC.

And if that's undetermined at this time... then what the hell is? An entire country with 6 months to go to Jan 1, 2014, and we can't even know in general what to expect.

Thank you Rep. Pelosi. Thank you Mr. Obama. Thanks but no thanks to Congress.

Or is this a setup designed to fail?

For sure it is FAIL just wasn't sure it was purposely set up that way.
Oh freaking well...
My neighbor is a pretty senior person at Blue Cross Blue Shield and a longtime exec in the health insurance industry.

Her opinion is that nobody knows what the impact of all these measures will be but in general the scope of the plan and the aggressive timelines means a lot of things will get broken.

In the wake of the inevitable controversy that will result, the real work will start of amending the initial legislation and re-engineering a lot of the features of the plan. She hopes to participate in that "picking up the pieces phase".

Good times.
Hospitals all over the country have begun laying off employees as a result of ACA. This is just the first wave of what will be disastrous effects of the law.
The Link
I already know that the cost of my healthcare will double in Sept. The Teacher Retirement System is trying to force us to go with HMO's where you have to use their docs. I want to know what happened to "you can keep your own doctors and your cost will go down." Most of us knew it was ******** when Barry et al said it. I wish it was possible to only charge higher premiums to the people who voted for Obama because they thought they would get great, cheap or free medical care. Unfortunately, millions will suffer because of the gullibility of those people.
Within 10 years, we will have a single payer system, because it will look very good next to Obamacare.
Unfortunately, single payor will be here much sooner. I would be shocked if it is not here within 5 years. Hopefully, Deezastan will be up and running before it occurs.
I don't know if it was intentional, but Obama couldn't have devised a better way to get a single payer system.

I will also find it hilariously pathetic when republicans get blamed for this disaster because they "kept the dems from implementing critical components that would have made it allllll better".
Obamacare is delaying fines to companies with 50 or more employees... until 2015!!!

Note: mid-term elections are next year, 2014. Wouldn't want more of the country outraged by Obamacare anymore than already will be the case.
they do not have the mechanism in place to enforce the individual mandate right away. this is being phased in slowly to minimize impact and make for a smoother transition.

I would prefer single payer but I think it is great that consumers will be able to utilize the free market through the exchanges to shop for health care.
Beyond the exchanges (which I believe will bad overall in the long run), what benefits do you expect from single payer? Just curious.
I pray the employers who were going to fire people or pay the penalty when Obamacare went into effect will go ahead and do it before the 2014 elections. The idiots who believed his crap deserve what they get.
Just completed our new plan for small business (under 30 employees). We pay 100% of the employees health dental and vision, but employees pay for spouse and children to be added and they could not afford the premiums.
If you have a small company, I would suggest you obtain your company's last three years of claims history and see if you can partially self insure.
We have a relatively young work force ( I personaly bring the average up. Ha!) and we found that our claims were only averaging 1/3 of our premiums.
We set our new policy to extend to end of 2014 with a 10,000 deductable and kept the relatively low copays for Dr visit, pharmacy, specialists, minor emergency and emergency room that do not count toward deductables.
The high deductable will allow employees to add family or spouse at reasonable rate at open enrollment in December 2013. ( I believe 540 a month for a family.)
The self insurance part is to pay the employees/family deductable by escrowing the difference in the new health care premium and the old health care premium. In our case, we started the escrow account by depositing the average claim amount for the last three years and escrowing 5,000 a month( the difference of old and new policy)You can do this seperately as a company health policy to make the payment tax free or you can pay the deductable as income. Our old policy had a 1,500 deductable, so the taxes paid by the employee would be in the same range. A little more those making more. The additional cost to the company is administering the payout deductable and taxes on income. The deductables are determined by the health care insurer prior to pay out.
I just put this in place and thought I would share. I have spent more time on this in the last two months and learned more about the affordable care act than I ever want to ever again and yet I know I will by the end of 2014.
good for you and your company Ivan for providing healthcare when you are not required to do so. too bad so many even larger companies have to be forced to do this.
In the good old USA, invest/risk your savings, put people to work and we will "force you to provide health insurance."

I am glad his organization figured out a way. With a young workforce and coming up with a way to manage the often unaffordable dependents, he might be on to something. Not all companies have that option.

Companies will come up with ways to comply (at the cost of some other benefit or wages / customer price increases) or figure out a way to skirt the law by reducing employees. It will be the unintended consequences of the law that will hurt most.

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