I don't think Obamacare will affect me much. At my employer, they are taking a tack that works to hold down costs -- a high deductible plan with health savings account. Basically, I withhold what I expect my health care to cost into the savings plan each year. I'm in my mid 50s and have an arthritic knee and generic meds for blood pressure with periodic GP visits required, I set aside the $1,500 I expect to spend which pretty much covers my deductible. If I get cancer or require hospitalization or knee replacement, the costs will be covered at 100 percent well before it causes me financial catastrophe. I need a physical exam and a flu shot each year, which my plan pays for as well as for colonoscopies I'm asked to take every five or six years or so.
I can see the good it does. I'm more knowegeable and careful about what procedures I take. I won't do anything out of network. I'll let my doctors know that unless it's life or death, I don't want an MRI or non-generic prescription. I self medicate for allergies, colds and minor aches and pains. I ride a bike for exercise because it's easier on my knees than walking or jogging.
With or without Obamacare, I think what I'm doing is where medical plan should go. Consumers need to feel the costs of health care and be as careful buying medical procedures as they are about new cars, computers or cell phones.