Do WRs just hate the #80s numbers now?


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When Roy Williams got here, I thought it was cool that he got the #4. Was neat to see a big fast guy running at WR with the #4.

But it seems that all of the skill positions (WR, DB and even some RB) want those single digit #s. It almost has taken the coolness out of it since -everyone- is doing it.

It seems that BJ Johnson is our last starting WR with a number in the 80s. It seems DBs don't want the 20s numbers either.
I agree. It truly looks like Pop Warner out there. I was just thinking about that myself while watching oklahoma this Saturday. Mostly all their WRs had traditional WR numbers, but ours like most others are way tricked up. The same thing goes for the LB and CB position. Nos. 2, 11 & 38 at LB? Nos. 4, 7 & 8 at CB? I know its college and traditionally it's anything goes with numbers, but man it just looks bush league sometimes.
Partly it comes from the fact that HS's are letting wide-outs, corners, etc., wear those numbers now. This is because more and more Middle School programs are being told that their best athletes need to run at QB and they, therefore, get the single digits. They play QB and LB, DB, WR (when they're not running the offense) and carry those numbers on to High School and College (when they go to a program like Texas that allows them to choose their number).

For the most part, it doesn't fly in the NFL. The most recent, high-profile one I can think of is them not letting Reggie Bush wear #5. I want to say that it happened to Keyshawn Johnson on one of his various stops, but can't remember exactly.
It was cool for a while. But part of what made it cool to see Roy Williams in #4 was not many WRs were in those #s. Now they all are. Hell, a #80 would be almost cool to see now.
it used to be that a receiver's number not in the 80's was something different. now with all the 4's and 11's and whatnot, there's a new game in town. but that too has become commonplace. look for a shift to the 20's for a while, having become the last refuge of the different number seekers, until it finally settles back on the 80's again, led by a push from calvin johnson. this will all repeat itself in 2031. that is all.