Hmm...I guess this a step towards closing in the south endzone but when you look at it the $25 mil is going more towards the renovations of the coaches' offices & academic center plus some general upgrades & repairs to the building. The extra seats are still described as "bleachers".
These changes are for the 2009 season. Would this be an indication that this year they will be putting in the south endzone a bleacher setup similar to two years ago? (apprx 3600 to 4000)
So it will not be bowled off? From what ive heard, it will look like the bleachers just smaller and more permanent. Is there any chance that it could be like the lower deck of the north endzone, meaning that its bowled off?
There are about 9000 seats in the NEZ counting up to row 50, so there is no way they are talking about doing that. Not to mention that half of 25 mil would not cover the demolition/reconstruction required to do that.
It will almost certainly look something like the 2006 configuration, but a more permanent structure.
I doubt it will be bowled off. They'll most likely resemble the temporary bleachers they had for the 2006 season, so they shouldn't block the view of any other seats.
They'll just be more permanent than the previous bleachers, and probably safer and more up to the fire code...
And when they decide to build the real South endzone, it won't take much to remove them.
Those semi-permanent seats are not for the upcoming season! Read the facts. The money is being ok'd for the construction starting after this season ends. So the question remains- will they rebuild the temporary bleachers for this season, at 2006 size, or wait and let another season pass between the latest expansion and the next?
It makes sense for them to put in more permanent seating if they are going to have those SEZ seats in place for the next 10 years or so before they look at another "big" construction phase.