Dirty thieving sooners cheat again

What difference does it make?

Dr Boren promoted his school, which has become one of the top choices for Texas Exes' kids. Will OU ever become a public Ivy? Not even close, but they have a REAL student body full of kids that love their school. The Boren administration took better care of their students than any school in America. I have personally recommended to over 100 families to send their children to OU rather than Ole Miss, LSU, or TCU. (The latter because of cost.)
Food for thought....I know IDE went against the grain of the thread (we hate OU), but sure seemed to me like piling on.....on occasion, someone here will remind us all not to go full "Aggie". Are we going Aggy now?
No. Who said that it was?
oh I was stretching the discussion. with IDE on this one....who gives a rat's *** about rankings? Doesn't make a bit of difference except what happens on the field...….I hope IDE doesn't stop posting because of this....some here seem to "pack together" and go after one. Mine was when I talked about 5 star 4 star 3 star issues and it became a discussion on whether I ever played/was part of the team etc.
That is very true. At work I have learned to edit emails and really think before hitting send. Sometimes that still doesn’t happen.

I just like the atmosphere of this board and how we know each other in some cases and are friends. It’s unusual this day and age. Calling everyone names and making everything personal gets old fast. I want what makes horn fans unique preserved. Most of us do. Hospitable, no name calling, etc.:bevo:
That is very true. At work I have learned to edit emails and really think before hitting send. Sometimes that still doesn’t happen.

I just like the atmosphere of this board and how we know each other in some cases and are friends. It’s unusual this day and age. Calling everyone names and making everything personal gets old fast. I want what makes horn fans unique preserved. Most of us do. Hospitable, no name calling, etc.:bevo:
Thank you, AC. Very well put.
The bottom line to me is that if I did go to a Sooner bard, I would expect the same sorts of threads if Texas were committing violations, etc. Same with any other school and its rival(s).

Not sure why someone feels the need to police the board against the very fans the board caters to.
Exactly. I don't understand why someone would frequent a board that bothers them this much. I don't actually think EDI is Taps. (Taps was different)
But they do have something in common in that they just can't stand it here. Yet here they are.
There's a name for that sort of behavior. I wish I could remember it so I could look smart.
Exactly. I don't understand why someone would frequent a board that bothers them this much. I don't actually think EDI is Taps. (Taps was different)
But they do have something in common in that they just can't stand it here. Yet herethey are.
There's a name for that sort of behavior. I wish I could remember it so I could look smart.
Apparently I'm in the majority willing to let it go. And no this post doesn't amount to breaking to my word to keep my mouth shut.
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IDE, for what it's worth to you, I think once you promised Dion you "were done with it", then the rest of the board should have also let it go.

I can promise you going forward, I have and I will.
OU apparently does, since they cared enough to falsify data in order to get better rankings.

"Figures don't lie but liars do figure" - a wise man

Anyone that doesn't understand that every school administration manipulates the "facts" and numbers to best serve it's purposes, has lost touch with reality. Fenves is no different other than Boren manipulated the numbers for the good of the school. Fenves does it to push his own agenda, which seldom would meet the approval of alumni and supporters.

OU's numbers game was NEVER to impress the students in Oklahoma, all of whom are either convinced that "Harvard on the Canadian" is the end all be all of education or are headed out of state. Rather, the numbers are to attract out of state students, particularly in Texas, who do not meet the criteria of The University of Texas. (This year's Salutatorian at Stratford HS does not qualify for admittance to Texas.)

The waiving of out of state tuition for OU, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Alabama, Miss State, LSU, Auburn speaks volumes to their not having enough qualified in state students and their desire to "upgrade" their ranking by bringing in more qualified out of state prospects.

Can OU ever achieve Tier 1 status? Not unless 50+ schools cease to exist, but everyone is studying Florida & SMU. UF blew by us some ten years ago to achieve Tier 1 status. SMU came out of no where (mostly because of money given by Texas Exes) to surpass A&M, Baylor, and truck load of other schools to get in the top 60 and knock on the door.
If I have a real opinion about this, it's that this topic belongs in the stands

People post in "on the field" because it's the main board. If it was in the stands, it would fit.
B. I don't want to live in a world where hornfans don't needle Sooners/Aggy/etc. and vice versa.

This would be a sad day. There'd have to be some sort of cataclysm. Like nuclear armageddon.
Then the few survivors would have to resort to being nomads, eating roadkill and marrying their sisters to keep the human population going. Like present day Oklahoma happened to the whole world...
This would be a sad day. There'd have to be some sort of cataclysm. Like nuclear armageddon.
Then the few survivors would have to resort to being nomads, eating roadkill and marrying their sisters to keep the human population going. Like present day Oklahoma happened to the whole world...

It would be a dreadful day if Longhorns, Sooners and Aggy all had to mate as the only option for survival of our species.
I don’t have a problem with mixed marriages. I don’t care if blacks marry whites, Jews marry Catholics, or Presbyterians marry Baptists.

But goddammit, I will not stand idly by and watch Longhorns marry Sooners or aggy. I have standards.

I have a friend that played for and graduated from Rice. He married a girl from Texas; second wife was from TCU, third was from OU. I told my kids that he was working his way down the food chain

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