Dinosaurs or Aliens?

DRAG69 - the counter-argument to your thesis is that life, sentient human life, is SUCH a rare occurance that it takes that many chances to get it right. Just as no one knows even the frequency at which interstellar planetary bodies might be inhabitable, no one knows if there's interstellar life or not, on EITHER side.

I happen to side with you, but I can see the logic coming from the biologists ...
you people talking about seeing dinosaurs in movies - wouldn't it be cool if they would make movies about or including aliens? someone call ridley scott!
Texanne. We need to meet. I haven't ever told anyone this, but I am a space alien from a far off galaxy. And although chicks do really dig me, this is not a pick up line. Bring your husband if you want. I'll give y'all a ride in my space ship.
On second thought maybe both is realistically possible.

Surely aliens would have found dinosaur dominated earth prime hunting ground for weekend getaways with their buds. Get a little drunk, shoot the wrong dinoasur with your bow and arrow, and the thing comes crashing down on you. Your buds can't find you, don't think to look under the slain dinosaur and leave to reconstitute you from backup at home on Iridani Prime. Millions of years later you wind up being dug up by some snot nosed Terran kid descended from lowly rats.

Who knows how many alien campfires have been subducted under or accreted to the Laurentian craton?
By "Aliens" you mean intelligent lifeforms that we can communicate with? If so, then Aliens. If you simply mean proof of extrasolar life... then I choose dinosaurs.

I feel with a high degree of certainty that there is life as we would define it elsewhere in the universe. In fact, I believe that life itself is likely abundant in the universe. That said, the distances we are talking about even between the us and the nearest star is such that the chances that we would ever interact with an intelligent alien species is highly unlikely... to the point that I doubt very seriously that it has ever happened anywhere in the universe to this point... and given the expansion of the universe, it is only becoming less likely that it ever will as time goes on. So I'd like to see these things in the reverse order of probability that they would actually occur... Intelligent Aliens, Dinosaurs, random extrasolar non-intelligent lifeform.

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