Did you have an interesting college job at UT?


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I worked at Charlie's Liquor Store, sometimes on 19th Street, but mostly at a little place off a Big Bear (?) grocery store on S. Congress. I think the one on what is now MLK worked a "19th Hole" into the name of the place somehow.

A veritable education every night there--all kinds of drunks--one lady who bought a case of Old Forester Bottled in Bond every week. Another guy got a gallon of Gallo Pink White Port every night. Whatever floats your boat.

One night we sold out of all the pints and half pints in the store--and they never sold well at all. On the way home the marquee at the nearby convention center welcomed the Southern Baptist Convention. There had to be a connection.
i worked at a few different places. each had their own unique personal experiences.

mcalisters deli, sears, the pier, texadelphia, and my last job i worked on campus doing random tasks for the geology building.
Because it's only 2:30 and I'll be up for at least 3 more hours....

I worked at Informal Classes my first year doing registrations, cancellations, and transfers. I worked down at the desk in the union for about 1/2 the time.

The rest of the time I worked for a family who has a developmentally delayed child. I was the babysitter, but it was very good nursing experience because he had a lot of medical issues too. I loved that job, and I even stayed there part time after I started working full time nights at the hospital. One year they took me to Seattle for vacation. Work related, of course.

ETA: Almost forgot about my brief time with the catering company for the Austin Convention Ctr/old Palmer Auditorium and Coliseum.... basically a concession stand and/or bar setup, depending on the event. I worked everything from the city wide garage sale to Carnival. That night was a lot of fun and we banked with tips. I saw lots of boobies and latex paint.
my roommate in grad school was a driver for home-visit strippers. Just like in Made I guess. Would get a call late at night, go pick them up, drive them to some lonely dude's place, and make sure they get paid. I'm not sure he ever told his wife about that one.
you guys lived in austin and don't know sugars?

Yes..strip club.

I spend a few days each month with Deion Sanders and various professional athletes.which is pretty fun...but parking cars at Sugars was the best.
I did room service at a hotel downtown. Hours were few, money was allsome, and the front desk girls were hot and always ready to go out partying when we all got off work!!! I loved it!
i worked at barton creek mall my whole time there.

I also worked at a rec center on the east side for austin parks and rec, also worked for the greater east austin youth league, reffing games.

also reffed basketball and football at the sub varsity level.
I worked for an ABC television show for my first 2 years, which had good pay and allowed me to work via email. After that was retail, until senior year which was tutoring. Tutoring wasn't bad due to the occasional talent, but I think it would be better getting paid to wipe off the treadmills at Gregory.
Waited tables at Scottish Rite - free meals, parking, and babes
Apartment complex manager - Free room and salary
Referee - mostly intramurals, but also Youth Associations, IBM League, SWBOA
Managed a Ranch one winter - went out after class
Oddly enough, I enjoyed delivering pizzas in college. Lots of freedom, no real boss. You just went in, picked up a pizza, and left; lather, rinse, repeat and go home with cash in your pocket and a check on the way. Granted, it wasn't huge bank but I didn't need much then.

I worked for Conan's and a place called Fatboy's that was only in business for a few months short of a year. It was owned by a guy who only went to school through 7th grade. Nice guy, had a good business sense; but let's just say that the pizza place was a front for another business venture.

Other than that, I worked at a golf course as the cart guy. I would roll the carts out in the morning before 7 a.m. and then be paid to play golf as I went out before the first group teed off. I would check on the carts around 11 a.m. when the first groups were finishing, put some away, bring more out, and then go to class. I'd usually get in about 30 holes every day that I worked.