Did the SC get DOMA and Prop 8 Correct?


500+ Posts
Somewhat surprisingly, nobody started a thread on this issue, so I will. Actually, I will start two of them.

This thread is to agree or disagree with the SCOTUS on either or both decisions. Feel free to comment on the majority or dissenting opinions. On Prop 8, feel free to comment on Judge Walker's opinion because it appears to me that his District Court decision is what will now rule in California.

Not surprisingly, to those of you who remember my comments on previous threads on this subject matter, I am happy. A little disappointed that Justice Roberts did not concur with the majority on DOMA, but I guess that doesn't really matter. And while not surprised that Prop 8 was decided on standing, it is somewhat bewildering how the Justices actually voted.

Anyway, I am interested in your thoughts....and please try not to make them completely hateful.
The Supremes got it right. It is confusing that the ruling was not based in Equal Protection, but at least they got it right. Additionally, I find it troubling that the Chief Justice was not on board with the ruling. I beleive that will make future civil rights issues brought before the High Court harder to win. Just my humble opinion. Have a good day and Hook Em.
Homosexual is not a Civil Right, it is a lifestyle choice......a person is not born gay.........

With that being said, there should be no benefits for MARRIED couple or people with children.

You should not be rewared because you joined or created something, every individual should be taxed as a person/indivdual.

No groups or couples, but every individual should have a tax bracket soley.

If you want to leave your legacy with someone or something you should be able to do it on your own terms not dictated by the government but by your wishes.

Marriage should not be dicatated by the government, but you can legally administer unions.

From, single, straight, never married, no children, male that is now looking to join the Democratic party because they will get me something because I will vote for them......you have my vote but what are you going to give me?

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