Dick Morris - Why Hillary Will Lose

Isn't that the dude that resigned in shame from Bill's campaign after he got caught with a hooker and revealed his favorite fetish was toe-sucking?
Yeah...he's a turd and so is Karl Rove...who was on Fox last night claiming Hillary would not win the delegate battle in Texas and Obama would take more delegates out of the state

both however still know politics and elections...as slimy as they are
While I think of him as a pig, Dick Morris is a political master mind. And is always for sale to the highest bider. The politicial version of Richard "Racehorse" Haynes; Reasonable Doubt for a Reasonable Fee. (Just ask Cullen Davis).

The next time I hear a comment about "strawmen" coming from posters who find a way to interject Rove into every thread on the WM, I just may get nauseas. So you just keep that in mind.

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