Devloping Logjam at QB

If I were Shane, I'd stay. Out of the 3 he makes the most sense to stay. He's going to get playing time next year. Only way he's a starter is if it's like Tulsa, SMU, Houston, etc... A major program isn't going to bring him in for 1 year. He's not going to play in the NFL, so you want to graduate from Tulsa, or UT? Seems a pretty easy decision to me. I'd play out my Sr. year and have as much fun as I could and get a degree with a burnt orange signature and call it good. That will be worth a lot more to him than 1 year someone where. He decision to stick with his commitment will be awesome resume material.
I believe he has 2 years of football eligibility left since 2018 will be a red shirt year for him if my count of games he has played in is 2 is correct. If he plays in the bowl that would be 3 - 1 less than the allowed 4.
I believe he has 2 years of football eligibility left since 2018 will be a red shirt year for him if my count of games he has played in is 2 is correct. If he plays in the bowl that would be 3 - 1 less than the allowed 4.

I think he played in one other game for a couple plays
I believe he has 2 years of football eligibility left since 2018 will be a red shirt year for him if my count of games he has played in is 2 is correct. If he plays in the bowl that would be 3 - 1 less than the allowed 4.
Sure but if you were him do you really want to stay in college that long? Dang just play some football and have some fun and get your degree from UT. My degree from UT would mean a lot more than playing QB for a non P5 school. If he had pro potential it would be different. But he doesn't have the body or arm to hold up in the pros. Colt was quite a big heavier and he can't stay healthy. Colt was also a hell of a lot more mobile and accurate. Sometimes setting realistic expectations is the key to success in life.
He should be 4 or under so 2018 was a redshirt year. A lot of us went 5 years and came out with a Masters some of it not free.
I think he played in one other game for a couple plays

Shane played in two games this year: Baylor and Iowa St.

My admittedly imperfect memory supplemented by a careful review of the player participation records for each game which were consistent with the information included in Shane’s bio.

OCD has some upsides.
Doesn't matter... if he transfers to D1 school he sits a year, and thus will have only one year to play, and that will be down the road, not immediately... unless he's already getting his degree?
Hard to get your degree with less than 15 hours credit; however, I'm sure Ohio State will transfer those 9-12 hours into 60 hours of 3.5 GPA.

That isn't necessarily the case anymore. My daughter is graduating from high school this year with almost 60 college credits. In the case of the Qbs, they had Spring, summer and fall semesters, more than likely they have about 30+ credits under their belts.
My reply was to those saying Shane would have 2 years of eligibility, not the freshmen QBs....
Shane has two years of eligibility remaining since he redshirted in 2018. If you transfer you sit out a year, but you do not lose the year:

"A Required Transition Year. While you do not lose a year of eligibility athletically, all student-athletes who transfer are required to sit out for one full sports season of competition. You are allowed to attend practices and games, but you cannot participate until that year is over."

You guys remind me of me and my two younger brothers. They could make a sitcom out of Hornfans! We should get a contract with LHN to air it. Probably be a lot of fun!
That isn't necessarily the case anymore. My daughter is graduating from high school this year with almost 60 college credits. In the case of the Qbs, they had Spring, summer and fall semesters, more than likely they have about 30+ credits under their belts.
Off topic, but my brother in law is a college prof running the accounting program at A&M (BTW he graduated under grade at Texas). He just absolutely hates this crap. Says his students are not prepared for upper division classes because these dual credit classes are not close to the rigor of college. Drives him nuts and then the parents are calling him up when their kids get a C in his class.
Shane has two years of eligibility remaining since he redshirted in 2018. If you transfer you sit out a year, but you do not lose the year:

"A Required Transition Year. While you do not lose a year of eligibility athletically, all student-athletes who transfer are required to sit out for one full sports season of competition. You are allowed to attend practices and games, but you cannot participate until that year is over."
But with a redshirt year and a transfer year, if he played 2 years, that's 6 years in college. Unless there is a masters you are really chasing, that just sounds awful.
Yes, but if he plays it right, he gets his MBA or first two years of law school for free.

Doesn't the 5 year eligibility window still apply? I am not up to speed on current eligibility rules but I thought you still had 5 years to complete 4 seasons of competition regardless of a transfer unless you have a medical or some other hardship waiver.
If this 5 year window still applies and this is his redshirt year, wouldn't Shane need to transfer so he could sit out year 4 and play in year 5. This is a technical question not my desire for him to leave. I want him to stay here. He is valuable to this team, IMO, as a team leader and capable backup.
You spend way too much time on your cell phone (and it's spelled "D'oh" not "Doch" unless you're German)....:rolleyes1:

Im on my cell for business more than my laptop yes, but that has nothing to do with Hornfans. You just werent paying attention to the thread. (Hornfans is the same whether youre on your cell or laptop/desktop btw. The content doesnt change...)
A few pieces out the last few days on staff attempts to retain Rising and/or Thompson. Below is but one.
A few thoughts on this subject first:
For one, reasons motivating the two are, apparently at least, not the same. Thompson is concerned about playing time while Rising (and his father, presumably) are concerned with system fit (feel Herman/Beck want to run qb position more than they are comfortable with).
I do believe, at least in general, playing time is, of course, the primary issue here. For my two cents, I see this more of a Shane and RJ issue than a Sam one, though it is likely Thompson and/or Rising thought neither SE nor SB would "stick" when they decided to sign here. RJ coming weighs, as well. Most expect Sam to start 1-2 more years and RJ to be the likely successor...with maybe 1+year in there for a Junior/Senior or RS senior to play between them.
As if this weren't enough...the real bugaboo in the mix may be Shane. I am well aware of the staunch defenders of Shane here, but it would be something to really think twice about if it is SB influencing potential departures by two young promising quarterbacks. UNLESS you are running the program in a manner that puts the family aspect before football (and Tom very well may be and if so that is all right by me) it would make little sense. Shane simply has not played well enough to warrant holding back anyone you feel has real potential. This is a key question that only the staff can answer. They know what they feel they have in Rising and Thompson, and, at least for me, I have seen with my eyes Shane's limitations and do not believe he is worthy of #1/#2 spot at a P5 school trying to run with the big dogs. If Thompson and Rising are worth their salt, they should be thinking the same thing looking up at Shane. If the staff has made it clear that Shane is their guy, I could understand why any capable guy (or their parent) looking up at him would not want to sit behind. From a purely football standpoint, if Thompson and/or Rising look like they could start in the next 2-3 years, there is no good reason to let Shane's presence hinder that possibility (IF that is even the case). I should note this is all from a perspective where #2 can play any minute with potential Sam injury. If Sam stays healthy Shane's presence becomes moot (this is likely why TH and staff has played it the way they have to this point). If Sam stays healthy, Shane at 2 doesn't matter because the door will open for #3 at same time regardless. They can show respect to Shane without losing out on a better option. BUT BUT But I think most feel, with Sams playing style, playing time for #2 in the next two years is highly likely and why there is so much interest in getting a fair shake at 2 - again esecially with RJs presence looming. Like it or not, the new transfer rules make it much easier for players to influence/pressure a coach's "hand". I do not envy the staff's position and challenge.
JMHO and again from a purely football perspective.
It should be noted that many other schools are facing similar dilemmas and this is the new norm...something TH and other Big12 coaches have bemoaned in recent days/weeks.
Texas working to keep QBs Cameron Rising and Casey Thompson in the program
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The key is whether the coaches are being totally open with everyone (other than Sam of course). I agree with Rain that Shane is the key for one of the freshman staying (at QB). If Shane is only staying in order to get a degree there are other ways to do that. He could move over to baseball, but there are rules on how two sport athletes scholarships are counted. I know in track if the athlete also plays football his scholarship counts towards football. Also if all baseball money is spent that would be a problem. Best for everyone would be for Shane to be moved to #3 with Rising moving up to #2.

Thompson would seem to be odd man out unless he can play another position - like replacing Romanc or Herd as a triple threat.

Of course I could also play the old uncle whose advice to all - if a coach says he his telling the whole truth, don't get to close as a lightening bolt does not descrimate.