Sii- Here's what your not understanding about what I'm saying:
There is no leader if the delegate count differntial is small enough. You can't call someone a leader in that sense if they have a half dozen extra pledged delegates.
It'd be like saying, after a 162 game baseball season- oh the Yankees are clearly a better team than the red sox b/c they won 100 games while the red sox won 99 games.
If you have to make a decision then sure, make a decision based upon who won more games, but don't tell me that this is in any way a meaningful real world difference. The point I'm making is that there's quite possibly the chance that there is no real world difference, and the process is set up so that super delegates can vote however they think best to de3al with their own conscience, or whatever they think best for the party. To say they have some obligation to "get in line" behind the clear "leader" is intellectually dishonest to my way of thinking. There is no will of the people, it's just too close to call.
You guys set up the process giving them that power, they now should get to use it however they want without hectoring, bitching and whining from Obama cultists about "the will of the people"
JMO. And Sii, you are really passionate about stuff you like. Be it UT, or Obama or whatever. I'm not knocking you, but you don't always have detached judgement (see the recruitment of Perilloux, Ryan amongst many other things). Point. being, this ain't black and white, there are a million shades of grey in this deal. And it is set up in large part b/c your party has a stupid, arbitrary and ****** way of picking a nominee.