"Senators or Congressmen with no real industry experience are extrememly poor presidents."
Harding was a govenor. So was Carter. So was GW Bush - all were not in the top 50%. Hoover was a great businessman. Failure.
So I don't buy this. A lot of what makes a successful president are the events he/she inherits and luck. Hoover had little chance. Obama - and the verdict isn't out - gets blamed for Bush's epic failure. Eisenhower had a great post war economy. Clinton had a great economy. LBJ had to deal with intense domestic and internatinonal issues.
So in reality, in my mind, there were only a few examples were presidents overcame something that could have easily broken them. FDR and the Great Depression and his ability to turn the Tea Party types into "economic royalists." Reagan's ability to incorporate Reagan Democrats into a governing majority (and a swift economic rebound in 1983 didn't hurt) and Lincoln keeping the Union united in the Civil War. Other than that, we tend to rank presidents according to popularity, partisanship, and our own political persuastions. Personally, I like LBJ for being willing to push through legislation he knew was bad for him and his party in the long run. We need more of that - national leadership. And I don't see it coming because I think we are more concerned with destroying the other side. And you know who you are.