Dartmouth vs Horns

Pretty impressed with the quality of the tv coverage so far. With the shutdown of LHN, cameras and whatnot are being handled by RTF students, right?
Volantis has pitched a gem since coming in. Schloss thinks he should be a starter but wants to bring him along slowly, build his innings methodically. Volantis is looking the part. only 42 pitches to get through 4.2 innings.

Sounds about right. By conference play (aside from whipping Ole Miss), Volantis should probably be one of our starters.

I think we're treating Grubbs gingerly as we should to ensure his recovery is complete and only pitching him for 2-3 innings per game. Grubbs does make a mean middle reliever who can come in, get you out of a bind, and go 3 full innings throwing really well.
Winfield is off to a slow start.

Ultimately, I think his 0.330 + batting average and 12+ HR hit at the mid-major college level will translate to at least 0.300+ and 10+ HRs in the SEC -- in other words a good hitter. And maybe he matches his mid-major levels. Maybe Coach plays him only 2 out of 3 weekend games to light a fire....?
Yeah, the SEC + network does well visually. Where they lack is in the announcer category.

Agree there is no replacing Keith and Zonk but Ty Harrington is OK and he is a UT alum who played for Coach Gus just like those other guys I mentioned. We could do worse.

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