
Video of a state delegate -- cant get it to embed

Cruz has his faults, but being opposed to Trump isn't one of them.
Deez, I agree. You can't expect a man to endorse someone that attacked his wife and father like that. He's a human being. I don't hold that against him at all.

Keeping promises, even when inconvenient, go to a man's character. But, I think Trump's statements like that release a gentleman from his promise.

If I could have advised Cruz, I would have recommended to send a cutout to one of Trumps most sympathetic trusted advisors (one of his kids, maybe Pence a fellow conservative) to talk about Trump walking back statements on his family. If Trump refused, I would not have made a speech.
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^ exactly.

Cruz did not get married to Trump. Cruz did not say "I support Trump for better or worse." Such a pledge is not unconditional. Trump really did not have to go as low as he did in attacking Cruz and could easily have kept the moral high ground. However, Trump cannot keep his mouth shut. I want to know how unconditional the Trump facists think such "Trump and party" pledges are. If Trump said he wanted to "kill all the jews" would these Trump supporters still demand Cruz stick to his pledge?

Trump calling Cruz "dishonorable" is like Hillary calling someone "dishonest." We have two candidates without values that will put themselves first if elected.
Sounds like maybe in the near future Cruz might just endorse Trump after all.

"According to Buzzfeed, Cruz campaign manager Jeff Roe said that despite the high drama and personal insults that have flown back and forth, Cruz may still be open to officially endorsing Trump at some point in the future, though not just yet."
There are two important things here the way I see it.

1) You want to break your word to your own party and disregard your pledge to support the nominee, don't show up to the party's ceremony crowning the nominee.

2) Cruz's Super PAC unleashed racy pics of Trump's wife right before a vote in an Evangelist driven state (I think Utah) before Trump ever attacked Cruz's family.

Those who think Cruz had no knowledge his PAC was doing that have no idea how slimy Ted Cruz really is, or most politicians for that matter.

Highly controversial ads like that don't make it to the public without the campaign being notified first.

He wanted to win a state he thought would position him to overtake Trump, as it was a key moment in his campaign.

In doing so Cruz took off the gloves first, and apparently couldn't handle it when Trump b**ch-slapped him back even harder.

The dude is a slimy, manipulative coward and there's nothing about him that reflects Texan values or disposition in my eyes.
After the speech, one of the Fox guys (Brit Hume, I think) said there is an old joke that goes around in the Senate: "Why do you hate Ted Cruz when you first meet him? It saves a lot of time."
It's humorous many assume if Trump loses Cruz will surely take the 2020 nomination.

There's a lot more young talent in this party than most realize. Nikki Haley and Joni Ernst are rising star females that'll be in position by then.

Rubio will still be a thorn in Cruz's side. Walker will be back. Paul Ryan is making a strong name for himself in a leadership role among both sides.

There are a few promising others out there as well. If Trump fails, 2020 will not be a Rep race full of stale old-school cronies like 2016.

This cycle was dead set on favoring an angry outsider no matter how well supposed insiders performed. All because Trump created havoc first on that platform.

Cruz stepped into his wake and rode that anti-establishment sentiment.

Next cycle will be much more friendly to up and comers with a positive message and less hell bent on guys like Cruz who scorch earth with nasty rhetoric.

Cruz's character is severely dented even for those who didn't realize he was a slime before. Wait until he's surrounded by new blood with solid morals and charisma.

All this moot for now, Trump is a real threat to win as the odds are 50/50 these days.
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Cruz's character is severely dented even for those who didn't realize he was a slime before. Wait until he's surrounded by new blood with solid morals and charisma.

What forms the basis of your opinion that Cruz is slime and lacks morals? Specific actions please.
1. So you arguments are slimy campaign tactic allegations (Carson was taking a leave of absence), none of which approach Trump levels. It is interesting how "all is fair" when Trump makes up nonsense.

2. One person's opinion. Some people say Hillary is a liar. Some say she is trustworthy. Some say Obama is trustworthy. People say worse things about Trump. That's not evidence.

Plus all of this is recent. I wanted Brad's evidence for Cruz's slimeness pre-campaign. All we have is that Cruz went low, though not as low as the two scumbags that emerged on top, in the lowest campaign in recent memory.
Cruz slimy? I don't know what he puts in his hair, but the adjective I would use for him is abrasive, like hot sand blowing into suntan lotion your wife is rubbing on your back. Eddie Haskell is slimy ... because he at least pretends to be nice.
I am perplexed at people who are supporting Trump complaining that Cruz is a slimeball, lack morals, etc. I know Cruz filibustered Obamacare after promising to do so, despite how it hurt him in congress. I know he also was willing to take the huge it in putting his family over the party on the pledge. That's a man that stands for something.

Trump has been married 3 times, is a corrupt New York businessman, was a democrat and hillary supporter that almost certainly would have run on the democratic ticket if he had a better shot there, will not release his tax returns... and no one can tell you what the man stands for other than building a wall.
Let me make life simpler for you:

- Cruz is a bucket of warm spit,
- Trump is going to win,
- and Clinton is a crook.

I hear your frustration, but some of this sounds like "the country is screwing me, so piss on everybody". It gets old after a while. While I made the mental decision in late March to support Trump (he essentially had the nomination wrapped up by then), I recognize it will take longer for others to accept it, or at least stop complaining about it.
and no one can tell you what the man stands for other than building a wall.

You are not paying attention at all and/or you listen to SH too much. Just from his acceptance speech, I can tell you 3 things he stands for besides building a wall:

1) Take care of veterans
2) Defeat ISIS
3) Law and Order

You won't be satisfied, I know, but going around harping on how nobody knows what he stands for is disingenuous. He's certainly said more than "I will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it."
You are not paying attention at all and/or you listen to SH too much. Just from his acceptance speech, I can tell you 3 things he stands for besides building a wall:

1) Take care of veterans
2) Defeat ISIS
3) Law and Order

You won't be satisfied, I know, but going around harping on how nobody knows what he stands for is disingenuous. He's certainly said more than "I will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it."

What are his specific proposals to address those topics? Saying you stand for something and having a plan to actually DO something about it are different altogether.
What are his specific proposals to address those topics? Saying you stand for something and having a plan to actually DO something about it are different altogether.

Htown77 talked about what he stands for.
1) Take care of veterans
2) Defeat ISIS
3) Law and Order

Is any candidate against these things? Literally every candidate, except whoever the islamic communazi party or the anarchist party is running, is for these things.

Name me a republican or democratic candidate that does not stand for veterans, defeating ISIS or law and order?

Next you are going to tell me he stands for the flag, long may it fly, goodness and profit. I mean, that's as substantive as the song the governor sang in the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
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Is any candidate against these things? Literally every candidate, except whoever the islamic communazi party or the anarchist party is running, is for these things.

Name me a republican or democratic candidate that does not stand for veterans, defeating ISIS or law and order?

Next you are going to tell me he stands for the flag, long may it fly, goodness and profit. I mean, that's as substantive as the song the governor sang in the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
Have you tried going to his website?
Spreading to the Iowa caucus Carson was pulling out just prior to vote was simply campaign tactics?

How about this garbage they posted about Rubio slamming the bible.

After his campaign spread it around online, they then published a retraction and the actual video showing Rubio praising the bible. In the article it also mentions a fake pic they posted of Rubio shaking hands with Obama.

How about the published email by the Cruz campaign just before the Hawaii vote saying "multiple sources" claim Rubio's advisers are urging him to drop out.

Then of course there is the Super PAC posting racy Melania pics before Utah.

That's 3 states (we know of) that his campaign stooped to despicable lengths slamming a perceived major threat to sway the vote his way.

Of course Cruz vehemently denied involvement and criticized each action.

Sure thing, Ted.

If he truly had no hand in any of this, it proved time and again he has zero ability to control those who work for him from doing disgusting things.

But anyone with common sense knows his campaign orchestrated the dirty pool and candidates are rarely kept out of the loop on major opponent attacks.

Ted Cruz will do or say anything to win votes, as dirty as it takes.

And even when the fat lady had sung, he goes to the convention only to break his pledge and promote his own brand.

Got booed by most of the crowd from all over the country, and singled out New York as the only culprit. Lying Ted fits this guy to a tee.
Is any candidate against these things? Literally every candidate, except whoever the islamic communazi party or the anarchist party is running, is for these things.

Name me a republican or democratic candidate that does not stand for veterans, defeating ISIS or law and order?

Next you are going to tell me he stands for the flag, long may it fly, goodness and profit. I mean, that's as substantive as the song the governor sang in the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

I believe I said you would not be satisfied. You say nobody can tell you what he stands for, I rattle off 3 things, and you poo-poo it. I guess you did not mean the "nobody can tell me" part.
Cruz' speech was, as typical, outstanding.

He didn't say "I endorse Trump For POTUS" ... big whoop.

What would the whiners have said if he'd rejected the offer to not only attend, but be the keynote speaker on Thursday?

So ... the #2 guy in the race, clearly not a party-water toter ... doesn't specifically state the phrase ... and some of y'all are upset by that?

SMH. I think Cruz did right Thursday night, and while he may choose to get out of politics, it won't be because he has insufficient support.

PS ... what about Ivanka's outright statement of denying party loyalty when she lead-off Trump on Friday?
Nah ... those criticizing Cruz' lack of "endorsement" were/are looking for a reason.
For the record I don't blame Cruz specifically for not endorsing Trump. That's his prerogative to go back on his word. If doing so was against his conscience, so be it.

The point is if you're going to break a promise, don't show up to the coronation of the man and party you're breaking the promise to.

To show up and not lend support to the party's candidate is nothing short of condemning support for the nominee.

To decline and not show up is a less overtly slighting act and would pass quickly.

Several others who balked on their pledge had the class to sit it out. Cruz went simply for self-publicity and hoping to add more vid clips for his next campaign.

Trump extended the invite in a sincere attempt to include the conservative wing of the party. Pence and Cruz were important pieces for that.

If Cruz had an axe to grind so big that he couldn't support who the party voters elected as their choice, then decline and wait for your next turn like a man.

Trump's gamble paid off as I've heard overwhelming support from former Cruz supporters who were disgusted with his self-serving choice not to do what he could to help his party beat Clinton and the most radical Lib agenda in American history.

Cruz knew the Supreme Court hung in the balance, and was well aware of the destructive agenda HC will impose on our country for 4 years...including more pushes for mass amnesty for illegals and an increase in refugee intake.

None of that mattered, he gained a hatred for Trump (after boasting of their friendship early in the campaign) and chose to serve his own self-interest instead of lending a big hand in helping his party win. That's fine, but don't expect most Reps to forget.
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