Cowboys get Pacman for...


< 25 Posts
The Dallas Cowboys got Pacman Jones for a 4th round pick!! If he can get his act together and if he even gets reinstated to the NFL that is a great pick up! Those are 2 prettty big ifs.
I will reserve I won't, I hate this move. There simply HAS to be a line drawn somewhere that says no matter how good a player is and no matter how dire the need, there has to be a base level of decency or at least some resemblance of common sense exhibited by that player to warrant offering a 2nd or 3rd chance. Of course, by stating that, I have just guaranteed that Pacman will be the epitome of class and the Cowboys will win every game next year.

I wonder if the the recent report that PacMan paid extortion money to the strip club shooter had anything to do with the Titans settling for less in the deal?
I love the cowboys, but i hate this move. 100-1 odds he gets in trouble again within 3 months. With the amount of strip clubs in Dallas he is bound to screw up.
Tell that ******* that he already has two strikes and if he gets so much as a parking ticket, his *** is out and he gets no money. At all. None. Write it into the contract. If he wants to play bad enough, he'll sign it.
It's hard to know how to feel about this trade. It could blow up in either the Titans or Cowboys face. If it had been any normal headcase player with some off the field antics, I'd like the Cowboys deal. Getting an electric return man and top flight corner for a mid round pic. In this case, Pacman seems like a jackass straight to the bone. It's not a matter of if he'll get in trouble, but when. When he gets pinched again, who knows how long he'll be gone for. I think the Titans got the better deal, but who knows.
it is a good fit.
bars will be placed at Tx stadium for 08 so that you may live through an average football game with your home team : the Dallas Convicts

ever hear of a leopard, strips never change.
can we now pass the torch from the Raiders to the Cowboys for the NFL team that picks up all the unwanted bad seeds?

America's team indeed.....
I don't see how anybody could consider this a good deal for the Titans. Giving up the 6th overall pick in the draft and one of the most dynamic talents in the league that is in his prime for a 4th round pick. Cutting their losses? Definitely. Good deal? No way.

The potential return on investment for Dallas far outweighs the possible negatives.
TheBestPoster, Third Coast, and Cadet Horn hit the nail on the head.

I'm not a fan of Pacman, but this is a great gamble for Dallas.

If this move helps contribute to one SuperBowl win--and it could well do that--a fourth round pick is nothing. If Pacman doesn't straighten up, and never contributes toward Dallas success, they took a shot.

And, no, I'm not one of those people who says, "Everybody cheats, every body is pretty much the same, etc, etc." Go to the Sooner board for those assumptions.
Aww. The haters already have their panties in a wad. Crimeboys? Weak smack. The Boys have been one of the cleanest since the 90's.
If he blows it; he blows it. Not much to lose here one way or another.

That is a great sig.
Where did that come from ?

As far as Pacman I think it is a great deal for Dallas. If he screws up he is gone and if he doesn't they get a great shutdown corner, one of the best punt returners in the league and a guy that can play a little offense. He is one of those guys that can go the distance anytime he has the ball. There are not that many of those type of players in the league.

I don't have any problem if he goes to a strip club either. There is nothing illegal about it if he stays out of trouble there.

I am pulling for the guy to get his act together and have a great career.
Here's the way I look at it. If he was available in this year's draft, would I be upset if the Cowboys took him in the fourth round? No.

And I bet a lot of other teams would draft him there as well.