Well, if I were to share a relevant story, I would take one from Ayn Rand. If a person that is very smart is doing things that seem “unsmart,” you should revisit your assumptions.
We football fans define success by wins and championships. So, maybe we define Jerry Jones as unsuccessful.
However, redefine the NFL as an entertainment industry where the goal is to make money and build brand value, and Jones is obviously an unparalleled genius. In an entertainment industry, you want attention, TV coverage, sales, free advertising through media hype, dramatic personalities that capture imagination and controversy. And, in football, you have to at least win enough to be relevant for 90% of the season (ie, long enough to sell tickets, be on TV, sell merchandise, etc. Jones has ridden players like Terrell Owens, Dez Bryant, Tony Romo, and such to the most successful entertainment results in sports history. So, is he dumb?