Cowboys-Eagles thread

Dak is struggling a bit but I guess when you figure you're about to get ear-holed every play it would somewhat influence your poise.
Without Lee the pokes D are slightly above average. Dallas O cold second half.

Philly running at wild the second half... 29-9 now. :facepalm:
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Basically Dallas sucks. There's lots of "reasons" but it's back to Jerry Jones. The egomania is pathological. This year will add to the record since he grabbed the wheel: Two playoff victories in the last TWENTY TWO YEARS. How did he get into the Hall of Fame? It's sickening. Jason Garrett should be fired at years end and Jerry's family should demand that he stop interfering.
How did he get into the Hall of Fame?
Hypocrisy? Good old boys club? He built a cool stadium? It certainly isn't for his teams, or his...genius.

Until Dallas can consistently put a strong defense on the field -- which includes DBs -- this long drought will continue.
Basically Dallas sucks. There's lots of "reasons" but it's back to Jerry Jones. The egomania is pathological. This year will add to the record since he grabbed the wheel: Two playoff victories in the last TWENTY TWO YEARS. How did he get into the Hall of Fame? It's sickening. Jason Garrett should be fired at years end and Jerry's family should demand that he stop interfering.
If they fired Jason who would be the best coach to get
. And please remember - Jerry's ego caused him to kill the goose that was laying the golden eggs when he fired Jimmy Johnson. Then Jerry showed his lack of football sense by hiring Switzer!

Believe me. I remember. I lived in Dallas from 1982 - 1994. I was there for most of it. I had moved to Houston when the infamous press conference occurred announcing Jimmy's resignation. I literally knew it was coming and pulled the car over into some restaurant parking lot to listen. I. COULDN'T. BELIEVE. It. Here was the chance to win an unprecedented three straight Super Bowls and Jones had the balls to push him out anyway. I have been mad about it ever since. Madder than I am at my two ex-wives which shows you how f'd up it is! Ha...

The thing is, I'm not one of those guys who necessarily blames Jones for the Landry debacle though it could have been handled with more sensitivity. Landry's record over the last five years of his coaching career was 9-7, 10-6, 7-9, 7-8 (scab year) and 3-13. I listened to Norm Hitzges religiously every morning and I'm telling you now, the fans were calling for Landry's head. They would call in every morning complaining about his Flex defense and how the game had passed him by. It was well known the Cowboys were trying to ease him out. Bum Bright offered to fire him but Jerry said he'd do it and I don't think it was out of malice. I think he just thought it was his job now. Once fired Landry turned into "Our Tom" over-night. All the negative feelings towards him vanished (think Mack after he left. Now Mack is the great coach who brought glory back to the 40 acres). I think in some perverse way that Jerry Jones was the best thing that happened to the Cowboy franchise in that regard because it was clear that Tom wasn't going to step down.

At one point, I literally thought Jerry Jones was the greatest owner in sports because he knew the money side and he let Jimmy run the show. Then the egomania kicked in and we all know the rest of the story.

Then Jerry showed his lack of football sense by hiring Switzer!

Sorry to disagree, but Jones couldn't get anyone to take the job. Barry took it for one year to help out his old friend and give Jones a year to find a coach. When Jones couldn't find a coach the next year, Barry made him cough up a bunch of cash for year two.

It wasn't like Switzer needed the money. He is a very astute business man with a variety of business ventures and investments.