Could Reid be any sleazier?

Another post based on ignorance and self-deception. Educational transcripts have never been equated with tax returns, except by those who weakly wish to deflect attention to Romney's problem.

But really, Obama is a graduate of HLS where he was an editor of the Law Review. It's not like he got a "D" at A&M in some vet science class.

The blind partisanship exhibited by the masses is all too typical and all too disappointing.

The issue remains: Romney is not releasing his tax returns. Why? I would think that Romney's supporters would want him to do so. Even if they cannot understand the complexities of the returns, as prod seems to be one of them, others can.
Shiner is making little to no sense.

He seems to be yet another who is ignorant of what Romney's own father had to say about this topic.

Why not educate yourself on this, shiner?

But why is the "most relevant" tax return necessarily the most recent one? You are now making assumptions which you are ill-equipped to defend. This is typical of your style. Please try to actually think before you post.

But please tell us why the most recent return is the most relevant. Defend your position. This should be funny.

Some people are trully helpless........
The political advantage of Romney's position is clearly for Obama. Those who support Romney will delude themselves into thinking otherwise. See the posts above about "legal requirements" (which ignore political reality) or the nonsense that the most relevant tax return is the most recent.

The damage from releasing the tax returns is being calculated as being less than the damage from not releasing them. This is Romney's strategy. We don't know the specific reasons why Romney is reluctant, but we have been given bits and pieces: IRAs worth $100 million, off-shore accounts.

Is this really what the GOP has turned into? The masses defending a multi-millionaire from releasing his returns, presumably only because he is on their "team"? The GOP leaders laugh at the likes of you: you are their dupes, their schmucks, their lackeys. You support tax cuts for the super-rich... Why? Because one day you'll also be super-rich?

It's been some time now since my earlier post. Have any of you done your homework? What did George R. say about this? What have other Rep candidates said? Mitt is not abiding by past practice here. Why?

But I'd still like to hear why the most recent tax returns are necessarily the most relevant.
Releasing college transcripts is completely within Barry's control. Yet he doesn't. So NOW we need to hold candidates to some standard that we didn't in 2008? Laughable.
shiner still hasn't learned.

What is the past practice regarding tax returns vs. transcripts? You seem to geniunely not be able to grasp the distinction. Such is the burden that simple minds labor under: in order for them to make sense of the world they must filter reality in a way they can understand.

Until Romney releases his taxes more fully, he is justifiably open to this criticism.
The (published) unemployment rate for Black men in this country is pushing 15%. I expect the real rate to be more like 25%, but I'm supposed to be concerned about Mitt Romney's old tax returns because the current one was not juicy enough for Perham.

Makes sense.
shiner doubles down on his delusion.

Of course there will always be a topic (cancer, gw, kids dying from malaria) that is "more important" than Romney's taxes, and the feeble-minded will always say that those those are more important, so why should I worry about the tax issue.

You make no sense and are the prime constituent for today's political party. You cannot think for yourself. You have political ADHD. Squirrel!
You really are making no sense and you know it when you try to say 'someone' at Bain could have told an investor.

How many people at Bain would even know this? typcially a CEO has his personal taxes done by someone and OUTSIDE of the company, just to make sure it is independent.

again let's say it is true
why wouldn't the Investor go to the IRS?
Why go to someone like Reid? a poltical figure of the oppostion.
Why won't Reid name this investor.

even someone like you can see this is all a tad convenient
and only a political ploy.
If it really happened think of the damage it could do to Romney? Facts instead of rumor mongering.

but you keep on carrying reid's dirty water
Hilarious coming from someone who apparently voted for a guy with zero leadership experience to be leader of the free world.
It is entirely possible that someone at Bain could have told an investor in Bain. How many people? All it takes is one. You are not providing convincing evidence that this could not have happened.

And the uproar over a politician using this for political advantage? Are you guys really this naive? What is it about politics that you don't understand? Both sides do this, yet your outrage is against the Dems (always)? You're just the rah-rah my team can do no wrong types.
As I mentioned earlier, Tim Geitner is the boss of the boss of the guy that runs the IRS. If there were proof of this issue ole Timmy could produce it in about 5 seconds.

Perham if you have a brain larger than a pea you would know this. I will go with the assumption that you do, which is why I said earlier that you know that this is complete BS.

But you and all the talking heads in the media will run with it I'm sure. You are counting on the electorate failing the pea test, and you could be right on that.
per per per

are you really trying to have us believe that if Gethner, who can get at tax returnes, investigated Romney's and found he did NOT pay taxes for 10 years the BO Admin could not find a way to " leak" this info?

Wouldn't that be thousands times more damaging to Romney?
To have annamed source in the IRS leak that

or Reid to pretend he had a investor tell him something.? Wiat was it one investory? yesterday Reid said it was several sources?

which lie is it Reid?
So much confusion. So much ignorance.

What makes you think that Romney's not paying taxes is illegal?

Let's start there.

Let's then go to the abiility (read legality) of a govt official releasing the tax data of another for political gain.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel here....
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You shouldn't have to lose your privacy just because you're running for office and somebody wants to go on a fishing expedition. Unless Romney violated the law, it's no one's business what he paid in taxes. I also don't expect Obama's tax returns, and I don't expect to see his college transcripts. Again, unless he violated the law, those issues are not my concern or anyone else's.

And Harry Reid's a damn fool to be suggesting they should be released based on speculation and rumor. Harry, I heard that you ran a man-on-boy gay prostitution ring in your house in Nevada. Better come prove it wrong.

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