Cotton Bowl Construction** updated page 3

Seeing as they lost the actual Cotton Bowl game which was the largest financial gainer for them, which brought in double the money that Texas-Ou did every year...

I'd say no.
I love the RRSO, I love the state Fair and I go to it win or lose.

That is why it frustrates me so much that simple improvements couldn't have been made years and years ago.
It still feels like they're just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Unless they can finish the Cotton Bowl before or at about the same time as Jerryworld, I don't think they stand much of a chance.
Jerryworld? Who cares about Jerryworld. Have any idea what the ticket price might be for that game? He is already over budget by $300 million. Do you think the owners of the $50,000 seat PSL's won't have a say about the usage of these seats for non-cowboys games? Think about it.

I'd rather sit on a 5 gallon bucket in the Cotton Bowl than to contribute to JJ's egomaniacal concrete temple for the corporate elite.
Yeah, there would actually be fewer seats available for each school at Jerry world. I don't see that happening no matter what. Glad to see some progress.

As to the lines to get to the bathroom: just pee at your seat. No one would notice, and the smell would blend right in.
With the addition of all of those seats, I wonder what the cutoff level will be? What was the cutoff level last year?

Bigger TX/OU (90K+ will be intense!), more bathrooms and concessions = Happy Diggler...who gives a rat's *** what it looks like.

The atmoshpere will be intense, the beer cold, the Okies confused & unwashed and the corny dogs will be greasy deliciousness.

so a friend of mine works for Heery and i got copies of the plans. here are a few pics for your enjoyment. i'm really happy to see they are actually connecting the existing upper decks with new upper decks that will wrap around the endzones. the plans call for the concourses on the upper decks to connect so you could theoretically walk all the way around the stadium on the upper deck concourse. also, you can see where the upper rows of the south endzone (ou side) have been cut out to allow for the existing video board. i guess that means we will have to give them a few more seats in our upper deck (spit). lots and lots of restrooms and concessions as well as bigger locker rooms. i'm pleased this project seems to be more complete than i originally expected. I am more optimistic the game can stay at the fair now then i was when i saw the original plans for the renovation.




Good to see they're making these additions - I'm very hopeful the game stays there permanently.

If you want a good laugh, though, check out the 'Economic Impact" page on the official site linked above - included in the projections were not only the continuation of the Cotton Bowl Classic which is now going to be in Arlington, but they also projected the Big 12 Championship Game being played there every other year. Take those two small items away and their projections are cut by about 2/3. This doesn't even account for two additional annual D1 games they project to contribute just as much as the UT/ou game. Talk about a fantasy world - ouch!

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